LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 02:19AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 02:03?AM (MST)
That is awesome. I bet you were in shock when that second side should've come off at 2:30 and didn't. I've seen a few bucks shed singles whether its the first or second side and a couple shed both, and gotta say its pretty amazing to be in the right place for that one second during the whole year! After a few near misses of catching it on video I dedicated last season to making it happen. Some call it luck, I'd like to call it hard work, prayer, dedication, and the discipline of always rolling the camera no matter the conditions even though I already have 100s of hours of footage of the same bucks. In the end, I was blessed to video my best buck at 222" shedding both at the same time at great distances and visibility but the scopecam was on a window mount and my dog is shaking the truck so its a little shaky but not too bad. I'll take it. I would love to share it with everyone who shares my passions but am in a little dillemna. I don't know what the value of the video is or if I wanna edit my own shedding video. Also, I would like to wait for the buck to die because I already have enough people talking about him and following me around. He's now 9 years old. The Tines Up crew are some of my best friends who I hunt with all the time and some of them served alongside my bro in Iraq and their company was founded on shedhunting so I imagine they'll end up with it. (whether I make anything or not) lol. What would you boys do with it? Keep in mind, I pulled long hours to make it happen. 10-12 hours a day videoing him for over 30 days. As well as hiking a half mile up a steep hill dozens of times and sitting in 10 degree whether for hours, even though in the end he shed in a spot I could see him from the truck. I'm very sorry for gettin you guys salavating and not posting the video and I will gladly show the video to anyone, (as long as it won't hurt my chances of videoing him or picking him up in the future), I just can't afford to post anything on the net at this point. In the end I don't know if the video has a lot or little value but I would sure like to pay for some gas and time to go do it again. Opinions appreciated! Especially from Godly men like Yelum.