2 different bikers......




Ohhh Tag - one of these days you are going to hell!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Is she really riding a Harley wearing that skirt? Cause that would be kind of hard and the only way I could see that being possible is... oh wait yeah I see, ok, now Im voting for her.
Roy, there is no doubt in my mind that i will one day go to hell( my mother has also made that very clear), that doesn't scare me. What scares me is that i'll most likely be there with idiots like speed bump!
You know those pics should be the other way around.

Let's face it Palin isn't one of those fat, disgusting, sloppy looking chics you see on a Harley.

Lately all the Harley riders I have been seeing have been wealthy wannabes who really would look more at home in a suit or in "Dress down Friday" garb kinda like Obama

The more people I meet the more I like my dogs

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