1st Rifle Elk Success


Active Member
I was not too optimistic going into my dads annual elk hunt this year (this is the 15th consecutive year ive taken him out for elk), as the weather has been warm and with my father turning 77 next week he does not get around like we used to. Just seeing elk or hearing bugles at this point is a successful hunt. Its been a good 8 years since his last bull, with a few cows since then.

Opening morning Saturday had a good feel right from the start. The spot we like to sit is a really good one, its only 20min from the truck but its one of those spots that when Elk are in the area they WILL use this bench. He cant hike around anymore so we gotta sit, and this spot, its the spot. If you come directly over the top to get in they will wind you every time, so ive learned to come in from the side and get on the same plane as them and side hill across. As we moved in it became very obvious the elk were in the area. There was bugling several hundred yards ahead, along with what sounded like either bulls fighting, raking trees or some kind of other antler on something noises. The closer we got the more it became obvious to me that the elk were scattered across the hillside and there were likely to be some closer than I anticipated, sounded like they were already at our spot. As loud as the aspen leaves on the ground were for walking, I did not think we had a chance in heck of getting to the spot without being heard, but at least im on the same level as them so side hilling to them should keep our wind below them. We come around a corner and get to the spot and Im correct! There is a bull, by himself, nose to the ground cruising thru a small clearing. UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE, HES RIGHT THERE. 75 yards, completely distracted by what his trailing, oblivious to our approach. And a beautiful bull at that, for an OTC unit. Hes moving towards us, slightly uphill, quartering towards. Dad pulls up using an aspen for a rest and just like that its over, as the sun is starting to come over the mountain. 1 shot thru the shoulder, both lungs and into the opposite hide. Bull goes 30 feet and piles up. Amazing. A few hundred yards ahead the rest of the herd is still partying for another hour while we cut up this one. Had the whole thing cut up and back to camp by 3pm. Doesnt get much better.


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Rocky Mountain Ranches

Hunt some of the finest ranches in N.W. Colorado. Superb elk, mule deer, and antelope hunting.

Frazier Outfitting

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CJ Outfitters

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Allout Guiding & Outfitting

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Urge 2 Hunt

We offer both DIY and guided hunts on large ranches all over Colorado for archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts.

Hunters Domain

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