1st Annual Harvest Party 2008


Long Time Member
When: Saturday August 9th
Where: A Whole Lotta Bull's party palace
Time: TBA (probably early afternoon and go until the cops show
Food will be provided - You have to bring your own flavor of brew if you choose. Pop and Lemonade will be provided.

We have wanted to do this for a couple of years now and finally have the place to do it. This is an open invite to all MM'ers. Kids are welcome if they are hunting age. We thought it would be a good way to kick off the hunting season and we are planning on doing it every year.

RSVP to [email protected] - we need some sort of head count so that we can plan the food.

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-08 AT 10:40AM (MST)[p]Oh gawd, there goes the neighborhood....but only cuz I'll be there!! Lol

Sounds awesome Jim, this is going to be a good time!!

Shine that brass pole out in that fancy garage, i'll bring the dancers!! ;-)

I know why your donating the meat, it's all that roadkill from last year that's getting freezer burned!! :9

Slam by dancers you mean me right im the only one sexy enough to grace that pole ;-) im in just don know exactely where the palace is so someone might have to fill me in on this bit

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
O so just over the ridge with me jim you wouldn happen to be neighbors with don mecham would ya?

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-08 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]You gonna sweeten the pot Jim?

I like BEEF ribeyes and Budweiser. Corn on the cob and baby potatos is a must.


BTW; are you setting up an octagon? If you are inviting all of MM bobcat has a few people's asses to kick? Should be good watchin'.
ktc - What do you mean, "sweeten the pot", slam's bringin the pole and girls and we can hose down the dirt at the neighbors for a makeshift mud pit. How much sweeter do you want it? LOL

berry - I live really close to Don. I used to live a lot closer until he moved. Get somebody to watch the docks so you can come over the hill. It's faster to come up over Indian Creek and down through Sheep Creek then out Spanish Fork Canyon. We live about 10 miles South from the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon.

It's always an adventure!!!
Free meat?
That sounds like your trying to set a "Bobcat trap"......maybe we'll finally get to catch the kitty!! :p

Sounds like good time, it would be a great get away from moving into the new house. Count me in. Doug, Mel said she would give the pole a try. HEHE LOL. We also need a baby oil pool. NICE
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-08 AT 01:55PM (MST)[p]My schedule says i'm supposed to work that day, but if there's gonna be dancers, and free eats...i'm gonna have to get someone to cover it for me! not my official rsvp, but i'm gonna try my damnedest to get the day off. Sounds like fun.

edit...Add in an Elk calling contest and maybe some duck calling and i'm for sure there! j/k.lol
Elk calling contest....i like it!!

and ummmm, please don't bother bringing any of your strawberry looking jello pudding with the little crawling rice in it....i've had all that i can handle for a while. Lol

I wouldn't bring jello.....that stuff is NASTY! but lets get the neighborhood all stirred up with the sounds of a craz...sorry KRAZY elk herd!

I know how to make a call out of a beer can.

You flatten out the center and poke little holes in it, drop some "hay" in it, light it on fire and suck on the end!!!

10 years swapping words with all you UT Boys, maybe it's time you meet the HUNTNUTT. Is this near Salt Lake or in southern UT? No octagon needed , I'm a lover not a fighter and fair warning , this New Mexican loves me some good micro brew and I know theres a couple of you who dable in the beer makin....

What are you saying? There are going to be lots of ugly girls, with hairy armpits, and no front teeth?

I might have to show up to this thing. Sounds like a bunch of drunks from around here could be entertaining to say the least. I still say bobcat needs to settle all of his scores in the mud pit?

Word is you will pay to have me there AWLB?
ktc - I figure with 20 girls at $10 a girl (we're talkin the bargain bin, no teeth, coyote, girls) stale brew, and those .25$ hot dogs, I'm into this thing $250 bucks. That should be pay enough shouldn't it? You are bringing that sharp shooter wife of yours aren't you?

There will be a lot of big taxidermy there and great hunting footage showing constantly with a live band that will blow your socks off. I think everyone that comes will have a great time.

I haven't heard from any of the "cat" family yet. You know, you drop your pants one time in the woods in front of somebody and they never talk to you again....I just can't understand that!:D
It's always an adventure!!!
Sweet jim ya just wondered and for sure i 'get' sat afternoons off so ill be down to chill i do have a freezer full of meat so if ya think ya might need some just lemme know and ill grab a bunch if not its just my sexy body thats gonna be showin up at this swaray ;-)

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
I'll do my best to make it Jim... Keep us posted.
Probably need somebody there to keep ktc in line...
I know how to get him where it hurts!!!
Planning to prescout my Colorado area about that time. Maybe should make a wide swing and show up....if location is south of SLC....LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
FLEH..sure I'd go for that. Let's plan on it.
Put it on your calendar and DON'T leave the valley that week!!!!!
I'm sure these guys could see it to let YOU come!!!! LOL...
I'm there!:)

I've got moose meat coming out of my ears. Don't buy ANY burger I've got swamp donkey burger that's YUMMY! Seriously the best ground wild game I've ever ate, and I've got to make some room in the freezer for a big stinky....

Do I get the VIP room or has Bess already have it spoken for.
I'm in Jim. One week before my fun really begins!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.

My 25th HS reunion is that night as well? I don't want to go to that other than I said I would. I cannot decide which is worse, a bunch of blow-hard students who have not got past high school football and cheerleading, or, a bunch of blow-hard internet professional hunters.;-)


Are you really sure about this? You are a brave man!;-)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-08 AT 11:12PM (MST)[p]ktc,
you got to come for a while...I think they said it will start in the afternoon and then you can take in both.
Having you and Bobcat not come, would be like Christmas without Santa! And how would that work?????

Besides, there may be video of the Utah Giant there...lol

And which ones of the blow hard "professional internet hunters" will we get to meet?

I tend to think everyone would get along in person?;-) I am probably the biggest blow hard here? Well, maybe bobcat beats me a little?


I am a fossil...older than dinosaur turds. Seems you are only a year or two younger than me? You are in better shape, but I am much better looking.

Seems you told me you would drag Main with guys my age? I bet you had an awesome mullet? I could never grow one because it got too curly and I looked foolish, not that everyone with a mullet did not look like an idiot, we just did not know it yet! Ha!

I need to make the call and weasel out of that HS reunion. I see the ones I like and don't see the ones I don't. That works for me. That will save me a trip to the bank to get 300 one dollar bills and a money clip.;-)

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