1st anniversay and I will be hunting ...**help!***



Ok, so I got married Nov 15 of last year and I told my wife I didnt want to get married in the fall but we went ahead and got married in the fall anyways. I then told my wife that if I have an important elk or deer hunt planned during our anniversay do not be mad ....well ........... sure enough first year I have a late muzzy tag and I will be gone with the guys.

Any suggestions on what I should do? ........... trust me I am still going hunting no matter what but I am feeling a little guilty now.

Keep in mind she is 5 months pregnant
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-09 AT 01:47PM (MST)[p]Just break her in right. Buy her a bunch of posies and give her the credit card to go shopping. That should placate her a bit. :)

I was 19 when we got married on a Sat. Oct. 15, but because my wife had to return to work on Mon., we just spent two nights at a nice hotel nearby. On Mon. afternoon, I left to hunt deer in the Adirondacks (NY) for a couple days. And for many falls since then, I have been gone off hunting somewhere on our anniversary.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-09 AT 01:49PM (MST)[p]Shame on you for tying the knot in November. I say go hunt this year with the promise to your bride that you will find hunts in the future years that don't conflict with anniversary date....it isn't real fair for her to miss her anniversaries, and this is advice coming from a married, but completely selfish A@# during hunting season.

My .02
Set it up so you send a card she will get on the date and put something special in it or maybe send her several with clues to a special gift that she will really appreciate,I have been gone several also and if you show some planning and thought they seem to forgive you some or at least sooner
Better not miss the first one you might be reminded of it down the road. For myself I used to go alot my wife was not to happy with me at times, now she says go hunting or go fishing. After 20 years no big deal. It's only one day stay home then go hunting. She will thank you for it later.
If you go... you may want to pack your bags for a little longer than just the hunting trip!
Don't miss your 1st anniversary and especially because she is prego. Go hunt after it. You never know what could happen between now and your next anniversary. It could be your biggest regret in life.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Pay for her and her girlfriend to have a spa getaway, then make arrangements to celebrate your anniversary when you get home. I have a feeling you will soon be an archery hunter. Good luck.
You didn't mention how SHE felt about it???? Which is an important part of the equation.

I was gone for ten days hunting in Alberta on my first anniversary. Nine years later and she and I are doing just fine. I work hard to make sure her needs and wants are met, and she does the same for me. If that means I miss an anniversary here and there, fine. If it means I have to skip the latest action movie in favor of a chick flick now and then, so be it.

Marriage is a team effort, a partnership, a give and a take. It will not work any other way!

Go hunting, but don't you dare forget her down the road when something she wants comes up. You owe it to her, and I'm guessing that in the grand scheme of things she is much more important to you than that deer hunt. If not, she should be.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-09 AT 05:03PM (MST)[p]Good luck on your elk/deer hunt! That's exciting!

What was the question again?


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Eel, didnt you carve your wedding ring out of a chickenbone. If so that would explain alot.
Jingow, noooo! I paid good money for her ring. One time when money was real tight, I made her give it to me and I traded it for a box of shotgun shells though.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

Words of wisdom.
"Go ahead and go" means "don't you dare F'r".
"I'll be fine" means "I'm gonna burn your clothes and sleep with my old boyfriend"
"Go ahead and have fun with your buddies" means "you can always sign the divorce papers when your a$$ sobers up".
"I understand" means "I don't understand"
"I don't mind" means "Hell yes I mind"
"tell me again how you warned me about this" means "if you say I told you so one more time I'm cutting off your manhood"

In a nutshell (pun intended) you're screwed bud.

Actually zekers, headgear and another one or two have the right idea. Make it worth her while. Don't forget if she is OK with it. But for god sake... go hunting. And never let her get on top. :)

You are getting some horrible advice from some of these clowns.

Take a week off and go on your hunt. You can take her to dinner or something when you get back.

If she makes so much as a peep about it, next year on your anniversary go hunting for 10 days.

If she makes so much as a complaint about that, the third anniversary go hunting for two weeks.

Most will figure it out by then, if they don't... then a three week hunt to Alaska is in order for the fourth anniversary!!

Go on the hunt and kill something big. For years to come you'll be able to show your kid the head on the wall and say, "I killed that on our first anniversary when you were in your mom's belly."

The kid will figure you are the coolest dad of all time and you'll become the stuff of legend. Or you could stay home like some of these pansies have suggested and then tell that story to your kid. "Ya, I was supposed to be on a big hunt but I stayed home with your mother instead."

Then when other kids are bragging up their dad, your kid will sit there quietly with his head hung in shame. "What about your dad?" "Uh I dunno. My dad is kind of a wuss."

Dude, grow a set and go hunting and kill something!! You got the rest of your life to take care of her and coddle her. Or stay home... if you want your first child to come out of the womb already ashamed of you. :) :) Ha ha!!

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