190" Nevada Desert Ram w/ 18" Bases!


Long Time Member
There is a picture of a monster ram from Nevada on the B&C web Trophy Watch. It has the biggest bases I have ever seen on a North American Ram! It's supposed to be a potential new state record. Anyone know anything about this beast? Definitely Not a little-bighorn!
I believe it's a Rocky Mtn Bighorn and not a desert bighorn. Still, a fantastic ram!

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-06 AT 01:31PM (MST)[p]Yes it is a rocky mtn bighorn. East Humbolt range by Wells I think. As far as I know it's the real deal. They are cranking out some real toads up there. 17 7/8 inch bases! It's all about the girth!

Oh and by the way, the hunter was the one non-resident tagholder this year.
Thanks for the correction guys! I wasn't even thinking Rockys for Nevada. My bad! Still...look at those bases! I hope he passed on some genes!
I'm with you now. What a great animal....There are some nice rams posted this year on the watch. Wish one were mine.
It says on Boone and Crockett's website it scored 190 5/8, which would make it a new state record. Pretty amazine it was only 5 1/2 years old. I hope someday I'll draw that tag.
Thanks for the link Brian! It looks like some of those guys on the original post didn't believe the score, or the base measurements. Hopefully, they do now! The B&C site picture does shows off the bases better.
Ryan, Keep putting in man. Somebody has to draw and it might as well be you!

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