186 Wolves



Montana's wildlife commission on Thursday set the quota for this year's wolf hunt at 186, more than doubling last year's quota, with the aim of reducing the state's wolf population for the first time since being reintroduced to the Northern Rockies in 1995.

But whether a hunting season actually happens may be in the hands of a federal judge. U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy is expected to make a ruling after hearing arguments last month in a lawsuit brought by environmental groups seeking to restore Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in Montana and Idaho.

The Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission also created an archery hunt for 2010 and increased the number of management areas from three to 13 to have more control over the number of wolves killed in a given region.

Licenses go on sale next month for this fall's hunt, which is slated to run until Dec. 31. Montana wildlife chief Ken McDonald says if hunters meet the quota of 186, state numbers could drop from 524 wolves to between 411 and 488.

Ranchers and hunters say the wolf population has grown too high, which has led to more attacks on livestock and game.

After the federal government gave Montana and Idaho control over wolf management in those states last year, they held their first hunting seasons. Montana's hunt ended with 73 wolves killed and Idaho's with 185 killed, short of the quota of 220.

Wildlife officials in Idaho also are considering a higher quota for this year's hunt.

Federal protections remain in place for wolves in Wyoming, where the state law is considered hostile to the species' survival.

Read more: http://www.idahostatesman.com/2010/07/08/1260510/montana-sets-hunt-quota-at-186.html#ixzz0t7b3LsIM

IF the judge decides to put the wolves back on the list, (which I fully expect him to do), I expect the quota of 186 to still be reached, and then some!!!

They just can't figure it out!!!!!!!....and refuse to try and see it!!!!!
Call it Civil Disobedience - I think we should create a fund to defend and pay costs for hunters that take wolves out of areas where they drastically exceeded management goals. I will get blasted for this but I love the fact there are wolves out there but they needed to be managed to create balance. It has obviously gotten way out of balance.
There are a lot of laws I don't like at times. That said, I want to avoid assuming I have the authority to pick and choose what laws I will obey. Seems a slippery slope that might lead to folks thinking hunters are prone to lawlessness.
While I don't agree completely with adjusting the law as we see fit, I have to say that a great example of just that is the federal government, sueing AZ but not enforceing laws against santuary cities, so if the feds set the example I guess some of us can follow suit.
Good example usahunter. If they spent half the time on illegal immigration as they have on the wolf issue, Arizona would not have had to make a law to start enforcing the law (that sounds weird but that is exactly what happened). There use of manipulated data and lack of common sense will not stop me from doing the right thing anymore!!!

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
I believe I first read about the theory in the book The Fountainhead. The liberal theory of holding people hostage by their own ethics. I won't be a hostage to anyone.
Extrapale, way to introduce a little Ayn Rand to Monster Muleys. Thats heady stuff for this site!
I thought she was required reading for twenty something guys trying to find their way. Several good books.
Judge Malloy will most defiantly relist wolves as he is a yes man for Defenders. So far his track record or wolves and grizzles prove his alliance. How screwed up is a system that allows one person with no biological experience to decide the fate of a hunt able population of moose, elk, and eventually deer and sheep? Don't worry I'm sure it will be appealed to the 9th circuit. That should make everyone feel better.
BY the way I'm selling t-shirts with the following slogans:
?WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE?: #1 ECO TERRORIST: Donald Malloy, AKA Judge Malloy (with of course a pic of the dear judge)
?Thank you Judge Malloy for destroying our Western Heritage?
Then of course
?Save a 100 elk, disrobe an extremist Judge

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