
Long Time Member
BobCatBess is adverising a 17JFP on KSL. Does anyone own one of these rifles? I'm thinking of using it on my upcoming Yukon moose hunt.
If it has a silver scope on it I'll take it!!


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It is nice and plenty of places stock the ammo. It is the barrel replacements that are hard to find.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-11 AT 03:27AM (MST)[p]YUP!!!

It's True Boys!

Just completed the .17JFP!

6500 fps!

And the average Barrel is good for 5 shots!:D

It is the fastest Cartridge known to man so far!

And yes REDDOG them are 35 Grain Power Points!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

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