17 Years, are you kiddin' me. Hang the bas@#$%!


Active Member
March 20th, 2008 @ 8:47am
WEBER COUNTY, Utah (AP) -- A Weber County man has pleaded guilty to strangling his girlfriend's 3-month-old daughter by tying a tube sock around her neck.

Trevor Thomas Grover says he couldn't get the baby to stop crying before the November 2006 death. He says he also spanked the girl, slapped her face and choked her with his hands.

Grover entered the plea as part of a deal that dropped an additional child abuse charge.

He could face life in prison, but prosecutors promised to write the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole recommending that he serve a maximum of 17 years as part of the plea agreement.
Our Judicial system has some very serious problems, we could sit here all day and discuss examples like this one. My opinion is this country has become way to liberal with everything and it is most eveident in our Judicial system.

It seems like the pendulum is always all the way to the left or all the way to the right, never in the middle. The law needs to start punishing these criminals for the crimes they commit.

I will use this just as an example, if the punishment for stealing was having your hand cut off I bet there would be a lot less people stealing. My point is these criminals know that the law won't do anything to them if they are caught so there for they have nothing to lose and they are not afraid of the law. People need to be held accountable for their actions and 17 years for taking a life is not justice in my opinion.

I think that you guys didn't read the whole story. The defendent said that the baby wouldn't stop crying. Isn't killing people justifiable? Gimme a f'ing break!! Too far left...too far right...never in the middle.......THERE SHOULD BE NO MIDDLE!! If you break the law...you should pay the maximum that the state requires. Why don't our judges see that? I don't get it.

He'll go through therapy and be out in 7!

I agree that 17 years is not enough for a child killer.

However, our system is in deep trouble. For the first time in history 1 in 100 Americans are in jail. This more than any country in the world. Politicians are "getting tough on crime" to get elected, and it is sucking up our tax dollars. Counties can't afford to keep every petty criminal locked up so where do we draw the line?

Tough problem.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
But, what you've got to understand that he is a victim of Bush politics. The hate spewed by conservatives drove him crazy. The problem was that the innocent 3 month old couldn't talk some since into the friggin bastard. Hang him? Hell NO....44 mag thru the temples after we waterboard his ass.
264winmag- I think your stats on "Americans" jailed is inaccurate. I believe that 1 out of every 100 PEOPLE THAT RESIDE IN THE US are in jail. You are not taking into account how many in the US jails are here illegally! Nonetheless, our jails are overcrowded and the system has no where for all of the criminals to go. It is a huge problem. Funny thing is that no one wants new jails built near their town and the government is in no position to front money to have them built!

I have never understood the plea bargin thing. You have heard of flat tax rates? Well, I am of the opinion a crime needs a "flat sentence term." What is with the minimum and maximum sentence? If you commit a crime, are found guilty, then you serve X amount of years. No less, more if you need it. Everytime a life is taken it should be life. There is no excuse for that. Especially a child's life. Kids are innocent and harmless.
I agree with the .44 mag through the temple. What does a bullet cost nowadays???? Can't be the several million it costs to keep someone worthy of exexution in jail for the rest of their lives!!!!!

I know that revenge is wrong and we should let God be the final judge, but if that had happened to my daughter, you'd never find that guys body.
I would like to correct the post that blamed this low sentence on the judge. It was not the judge that entered into the plea bargain with the criminal in order to not go to trial.
It was the D.A.'s office for the county where the crime was committed. Any blame for this sentence should fall on the D.A.'s shoulder. There are times that a plea bargain is nessary to get a conviction when there is very little evidence to convict the suspect of the higher crime. The problem is that now most D.A.'s will enter into plea bargains on violent crimes, like this one, and there is sufficent evidence to expect a conviction if taken to trial. The D.A. is just looking at reducing his work load and the safety of citizens and justice itself takes a backseat.
The best way to correct this is at the next election make your voice heard so that enough voters will vote that D.A. out of office. I am willing to bet if the D.A. plea bargain a case of this severity, if you did some digging in the court records, which is public information, you will find a lot more plea bargains that were done involving crimes of a violent nature that puts the criminal back on the street in a short time to commit futher crimes.
One of the most abused crimes for plea bargaining is the "use a gun, and go to prison" statue that most states have. This is plea bargain off 50-75% by most D.A.s and you wonder why most gun laws are ineffective.

Perhaps someone should have explained to this slimeball that the kid won't quit crying BECAUSE YOU ALREADY PREVIOUSLY BROKE HIS RIBS...!!!
I think he should hang from from a tree for 17 years or until his head falls off which ever comes first..

The punishment should automaticaly double when it concerns a kid. So lets hang him twice..........
RELH- You are right. The DA is at fault for plea bargaining. DA's also use this tactic to get a higher conviction rate. Looks better on their record/resume.

I saw and commented about this story on KSL. I continually see people getting "lesser" sentences when the crime involves an infant. How can there be any logic to this?

An infants life is far more valuable than an adults life. This sentence and crime make me sick.

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