17 year old with Nevada Book Ram



I am a 17 year old kid out of fallon nevada. this is the ram i harvested this year in area 161 on the first day of the hunt. it gross scores 165 2/8. quite miraculous that a young kid like me could draw this tag.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-05 AT 09:38PM (MST)[p]Totally Awesome!
It may take years for you to fully appreciate your accomplishment!
well you killed a ram that any man would be proud of, good job.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
Congratulations young man on a nice Ram, you have a lot of older guys envious(sp?) of you. Good luck with your future hunts as well and post some more pictures in the future and also Welcome aboard here.


Congratulations on harvesting an awesome ram. Please tell us the story. You're killing us guys that will never draw a Nevada sheep tag.

thanks fer the congrats. well heres the story. we started out scouting the day before and found a couple nice rams a long ways away. we also saw some ewes and lambs with them. the thing about my area is its a wilderness area, so to get within any kind of good judging range you got to hike. we started hiking opening morning and about a mile up the trail my dad spotted a nice ram with 4 ewes. it was still early so i passed on him and a little farther up the trail we found a group of about 40 sheep milling around in a bowl. there was a group of twenty rams together. two of them really stood out and we had to evaluate them fer close to 45 minutes. the only problem was there was some other hunters we beat up the trail coming up behind us. so this ram which seemed to carry his mass lower but its way hard to tell presented the shot first. he was about 370 yards away and my first shot connected. luckily i was able to tell which one was him in the bunch because he was limping. many of these rams were good rams in the 150 class. the other big boy was long gone by now. i didn't connect on my second shot but the third killed him at around 410 yards. i was accompanied by my dad and good friend.
NevadaHunter6195, I'd like to thank you again for allowing me to take part in this hunt. It was a blast. I have to hand it to you, you remained very focused on your goal, especially for someone your age. Being a part of that special moment and watching you and your dad further cement that hunting bond was a real treat. An awesome ram. Your dad is obviously bitten by the sheep bug now so let's hope he draws soon. :)
thanks fer being a part of it and helping out NVBighorn. u were a ton of help. i hope u can come next year on my california tag. haha. thanks again.
Are you looking to get smacked?! Coming on here tooting your own horn about getting a tag that EVERYBODY on here wants and rubbing our "old" noses in it.........you should be ashamed!!! :)
OK, shweew.......now that I got that off my chest.......CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is awesome. When you get older, you will realize how special your tag and your ram really are.
Thanks for sharing, and congrats again.

well i always hear when i get older i will truly appreciate it. truth is, i appreciate it now. i did my homework made my calls and picked my own ram to shoot. so i put in the work to appreciate it. and homework pays off.
Congrats on a great ram ! You did great , glad to hear of it .I hope you do get your CA tag too . I lived in NV FOR 7 YEARS , and won my first buckle at a rodeo in Fallon , seemed I always loved going there ...Any how , congrats,,,,NMHUNTNUTT
RIGHT ON!!!! Awesome story and an even more AWESOME RAM!!! Congrats Big Time to ya! I like your attitude. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you in the future. What's next on your list, one of those big ol' Nevada Muleys or do you want to continue with the Sheep Bug?
Hey Nevada hunter what a truly great ram !!!!! How old is he ?, My guess is that he is 8 or 9 years old.. The reason I asked is that many of the rams in the area are pretty dark colored. You were way smart to harvest your ram before the snow falls. I got my ram in 1999 in your area after 18 days and December can be a very hard hunt. Congradulations again, you are young enough to draw another Desert Tag in your lifetime good luck and enjoy sheep fever, there is no cure !
yea i had heard that hunting after the snow can be tough. the desert sheep in this area do look a lot different than they do in southern nevada or arizona. one biologist said 10, another 8, and another 9. so they finally decided on 9 years old.

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