15x binos on shooting sticks instead of tripod


Active Member
I use some short stony point shooting sticks instead of a tripod to stabilize my 8x binos. I don't miss the cumbersome tripod at all. Anyone have success using shooting sticks instead of tripod with 15x binos? I hate packing a tripod, but will be buying some 15x binos soon.
I havent used 15s on anything but a tripod. the magnification is too high to hold steady even on a set of shooting sticks.
I have used shooting sticks with my 10x binos and it works pretty well. But, past a certain range it will become unsteady. i think that if your going to get a pair of 15x, you should definitely bring along a good tripod. You'll be amazed how much more you will see if you put them on a tripod.
Absolutely not. If you want to use these bino's to their potential then a solid tripod is necessary. Will it work without a tripod, yes, but I doubt you will have an advatage over a guy with 10x, so why.
I use my RLD tripod all the time with my 15's and they work great.

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