15X binoculars



Hey guys,

I'm kinda in the process of shopping for some new binos. I already have a fairly good pair of 10x50 (Pentax DCF SP) that I use on a tripod and occasionally around the neck. I am very happy with the performance of this model but I feel like I need something bigger.

I know the 15x56 Swarovskis are considered the king. Is there anything out there that can honestly match maybe 90-95% of the performance of the Swaro's under $1000?

I have heard reviews that go all over the map about the Minox, Vortex and Brunton glass that's now out in the 15X range. I am also curious if anyone has any comments about the 13x56 Minox model that came out a year or two ago. It is much lighter than the Swaro's and Minox 15's and has more eye relief. I'd really like to give those a try.

Let me stop you before you say, "Just buy the Swarovskis", cause I've been trying to tell myself that for 5 years now and it's just not sinking in with a price tag of $2000. Maybe someday it will. Any comments on the other models listed are more than welcome.


You might consider a used pair of Zeiss or Docter 15x porro prisms. Might find thaem for around $700

Cameraland has the Minox 15 for $700 new. Having had a pair, their negative is the squarish edge of the eyecup against the brow, and the diopter adjustment right next to the focus knob and hence easily moved as it does not lock. It's optics are comparable to the Zeiss and Docter.

I would pass on the 15x Zeiss Conquest and Vortex. I was told that Vortex was working on a better pair of 15s comparable to their Razor line (out in a year?)

That's a great article! Thanks Dryfly. Ya, as I mentioned in my post, I'd like to try the 13's.


I just ordered a pair of the Minox from Cameraland for a buddy since he is not very internet savvy. I can't wait to give them a good test session. That is a great price nonetheless.

The Zeiss Conquest is not what I'm after either. I really believe in the positive effects of good eye relief, and 45 or 50 mm objective in a 15 bino just won't cut it, like the article says.

The Doctor and Zeiss porros are out too. Too big, too heavy!

Thanks for the thoughts,

In my opinion you should grow a pair and buy the Swarovskis. I bought the SLC 15x56, best money on optic's I have ever spent. Mount them on a tripod and you can look all day without getting sore eyes. Trust me, you'll wish you did!
great prices but can anyone confirm if this sight is legit! seems a little to good to be true.
It's legit......if you don't mind buying gray market goods, being treated rudely by middle eastern foreigners speaking broken english, having your card billed immediately for back ordered goods, and taking a chance you'll never see the product.

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