157, 170 deer unit Land owners


Very Active Member
We have permission on one piece of land for the upcoming doe hunt. Does anybody know any land owners around riverton or in unit 157 or 170 that would be looking to remove a few extra does?

It was a big bodied 2 point.
That's about right if we are talking antelope. It may be a little harder for deer depending where you go.
Top, when was the the last time you've had a 157 tag? I've had two of them and had some success talking to some of the locals. Yer comments on this thread, which is about the same as most regarding Wyoming, are meaningless... Travis, go try knocking on some doors around Ocean Lake where it looks like good deer habitat. Same as down the Missouri Valley Rd. I had several people tell me we don't see many deer, etc. go talk to so and so...
So Mr Triple_BB---What the haydes lit your fire this AM!!! You have had "some success"! If it's so easy, why did't you say you have been 100% successful with everybody you've asked to hunt? From what I've seen throughout the state, the ranchers are a lot more protective of their deer than their friggin goats! That's all my statement was and I didn't say anything more than that. If you think my posts are meaningless, then why are you reading them? I could probably name a dozen people I've helped to set up hunts on the site since joining last December, including making maps for some of them. In fact, I'm taking a member to my better spots this year as he's having some health problems and I'm going to try and get him a couple decent animals. Give me a break will ya, LOL!!!
Topgun we are talking about doe's... Most landowners in this area will allow you to hunt doe's... I live in Missouri Valley and the deer are a nuisance...
I understand you're talking about does. If there are so many that they're a nuisance, maybe the F&G should trap a bunch and transplant them to the areas that got hit bad last winter. All I know is that up in the northern half of the state the ranchers don't have much of a problem letting you shoot doe antelope for free, but they are a lot different and want money when it's deer.
BBB, A little harsh don't ya think ? In my experience getting permission to hunt Deer is harder than getting permission to hunt Antelope - both Does and Bucks. I think thats all T. Gun was trying to point out.
We are talking about area 157... Not the northern half of Wyoming... Sorry but your wrong on this one... Yes I agree that the rest of the state might allow antelope over deer... Just not in this area... Actually it's the opposite... I do like a lot of your post Topgun, so don't think I'm calling you out... There isn't a lot of goats in this area and where there are, it's on the rez...
I think maybe a couple people need a reading comprehension course because that's all I've said in every friggin post on this thread and I wasn't specifically talking about 157 or I would have said that!
Are you including yourself in that comment, topgun... The thread says 157, 170 deer unit land owners, nothing about the rest of the state or antelope... So maybe you should stick to the original post... Wasn't picking on you!!! So don't insult me about what was being asked... His 157 tag has nothing to do with the rest of the state... Period...
But we are talking about 157 and deer... Not the rest of the state or antelope... Posting stuff that is irrelevant to the subject is a waste of time for the guy that post the thread... So stick with what you know and not your opinion... So bottom line is a lot of the landowners will allow you to hunt doe deer in the Missouri Valley area without paying a trespass fee...
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-11 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]"Wasn't picking on you"---WTF have you been doing then since I made one little comment that has led to "YOU" hijacking the thread!!! Read my first GD post and then stick it because you are making a mountain out of a GD molehill. I said it might be harder to get permission for deer. If you can come on here and tell me that you can get permission from every GD landowner in 157 to shoot all the does you want to then I'll flat and simple call you a GD liar. I hope to he** you need help somewhere sometime that I have knowledge on because you can stick it after the way you've been to me on this thread for absolutely no GD reason after I made a simple little two sentence post!!! Look at all the other threads throughout these forums that get off track and then tell me that little post of mine needed your comments or the offensive one posted by Triple_BB.
I take it back topgun your right... Wasn't trying to piss you off but whatever... I was simply telling the original poster that a lot of the land owners will let him hunt... As I live in the area and know it as a fact... But if you ever need help with something topgun I would be more than willing to go out of my way to help you out as a fellow hunter, have a good evening...
Me too! It's after midnight here and I'm just plain tired after a long day working on the yard and camper. It just seemed that a simple little post that I made got me a very nasty response from the other member basically telling me I don't know chit about anything I post! Then you came on and we went back and forth when I was really more pissed at him than you. Let's just forget the whole damn thing. Life is too friggin short for all this BS and I apologize for the last post! Peace Bro!!!
Does anyone know land owners up that way? I won't be able to knock on any doors, but i wouldn like to know more about missouri valley.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Holy smokes. Seemed like an innocent question at first. Doesn't seem like you are getting the help you may have wanted.

Check this link as your hunt gets closer. Some landowners seem to enroll later in the year. http://gf.state.wy.us/plpwhmprogram/frmHunterAssistanceHome.aspx

Also call the Lander Regional office, they should be able to send you a list of landowners.

Lander Regional Office
260 Buena Vista
Lander, WY 82520
(307) 332-2688
1-800-654-7862 (In-state only)

Also looks like you have some walk-in apportunities in 157. Good luck to you and have fun.
Travis did you ask the landowner of the property you have permission to hunt on if he knew anyone? About where is the property you have permission to hunt? So I can tell you some landowners names close to the area you are hunting. There is also some withdraw areas around the butte you can hunt. Also there is a lot of game and fish habitat areas along five mile. Just a few suggestions... I don't think there is very many walk in areas around here, like the grazing land between Shoshoni to Casper...
Thanks for your help to all,

I will be right in riverton. My uncle got me in on these doe hunts. I'm looking to take 4 or 5. My wife will be taking 1. I have bought 2 licenses already, but will buy 2 more if I can find some more land owners that would like me to shoot some does off their land.

thankd for the link as well.

It was a big bodied 2 point.

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