15 years in the making....


Long Time Member
I was sitting here thinking of what a sh!tty hunting season it was for me this year. I didn't shoot one big game animal this year. I just realized I haven't been skunked in an entire hunting season since I've been married. Its been 15 years since I've gone an entire year without shooting a deer, antelope or wild pig. I am just thankful that I've got a big freezer in the garage that still has some deer/antelope steaks and burger left from last years WY hunt. I hope this doesn't happen for another 15 years.....I think next year I'll have to make up for my 2010.

"Get that corn out of my face"
You mean to rub salt in the wound? Ya....sounds like fun. :)

"Get that corn out of my face"
Been pretty crappy here, too.
Got the nice Lopes down with my Dear Ol' Dad, but ain't had much to speak about otherwise with the Mom being of terminal illness and all family from far away wanting to come into Gillette this Fall and Xmas.
Gotta go with the flow, I guess.
Wish for more time afield with my Boys, that's for sure.


I'll bet if the Truth be known there is probably more Tag Soup this year than any other year!

Glad to hear you & a couple others break the silence & remind us that Hunting isn't a 100% kill type of thing!

You'll get em next year & your Freezer will be more cleaned out by then!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
PleaseDear- Ya, I still had a good time with my Dad on the hunting trips we took. It's the same story with my Dad as well...he's harvested an animal every year for the past 15. I was the one that wanted to hunt Nevada and that was probably the worst (expectation wise) hunt either of us had been on (again, expectation wise). He doesnt hold it against me though.

B-BOP- Yes, by next year my freezer will be cleaned out. I'll have plenty of opportunities to thaw that baby out and get all that frost out of there. What a joy! HaHa

"Get that corn out of my face"
Actually didnt do to bad this year. Archery javi and Archery mule deer tags filled.

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