15" Bases, did I miss something?


Long Time Member
Just a reminder that it is spring and by memory thats when the brutes photos were going to be posted..... are the photos coming soon?

LAST EDITED ON May-10-08 AT 01:42PM (MST)[p]Ransom- There will be some excuse to why we haven't seen them yet. I hope we do see them, then all of this wasted time with the 15" Bases post would have been worth it! We'll see....

That's right post the pictures even if they are only 7" bases
Who cares we just want to see a cool buck

Archery is a year round commitment!!

Here's one I shot in Okla...Homa last year. I'm pretty sure it's got 15" bases. She was mounted!

Now THAT'S my kind of gal beefy!! lol

Nah, i actually don't like that look in a woman even thought that sport is my passion, i like the "figure and fitness" look.

Some things just aren't meant too be, and that's one of them.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
You can't even tell if that is a man or a womans lower half. I don't find that attractive at all.

Well, I was just going by the lacy skirt thingy.....I guess it could be Felano, but he hasn't admitted it yet.
Hey Doug why the hell did you let those pics of you in a skirt get out? lmao. Frickin Sick!

-Cody AKA BigBuck92
RE: 15" Bases

What the he!!'s wrong with you people....? Is NOTHING sacred?
Is GOD real? prove it? Are 15" bases real? If you believe in God you just gotta believe in 15" bases.

Just cause there's no physical proof doesn't mean it aint real!

But keep posting pics of any 15" set of bases you can find! LMAO


RE: 15" Bases

Seeing how my last 15" bases post got the bomb I will go easier on the eyes.


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