13 points


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-14-14 AT 00:56AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-14-14 AT 00:56?AM (MST)

On the advice of those who understood the Oregon non-resident draw system, I have taken time to review the data and now understand that my 13 points accumulated for various species will buy me nothing when it comes to those hunts for which there are very few tags and none at all for non-residents most years. My son will be old enough to hunt big game in two years, and rather than hold out for a single premier tag, I am now considering applying as a group (of 2) for something less ambitious. I like Beatty's Butte for deer, as I am familiar with parts of the unit, but I would appreciate any advice regarding where best to apply for elk and antelope (rifle) under these conditions. Thank you for your suggestions, and good luck on the draw.
LAST EDITED ON May-14-14 AT 09:04AM (MST)[p]I would say your thinking is sound. you'd be 99 and out 50 grand before you draw a deer tag any better than you can today .

What type of country do you want to hunt ? steep rough country? easy country? timber country? Oregon may not offer a quality deer hunt but it does offer a vast choice in the type of country you hunt.

Elk tags offer a higher quality experience , maybe that will help make up for the deer hunt you're going to have.

Beatty's Butte isn't anything like it used to be, but it's better than some. if you like it go for it.

Any of the central eastern elk tags would probably fill your bill, Northside, Murderers Creek, Ochoco, Silvies, ect are all good hunts. low hunter numbers and decent elk numbers. drawing odds should be you guide there.

For Pronghorn your options aren't great with 13 points, and you're going to have to put in alone on that one.

Stay thirsty my friends
+1 Yeah hunt what/where you want. I haven't seen much difference one unit to another in recent years as far as deer quality. Not alot of deer and not many big bucks but if you work hard and get serious, you have a decent chance of getting something and there is always that chance you could get "the Big One". Really people should be asking "where can I hunt some _______" (fill in the blank: sage, desert, wilderness, canyons, high country, etc.) What we lack in deer we make up for in beautiful habitat :) If you know Beatty's, hunt that.
For elk, like 440 said pick a central eastern tag and go for it. Elk numbers seem better than deer (not more elk than deer but increasing rather than declining). Just check your points against the odds charts pick the best hunt you can. Again, if you have a specific terrain you are looking for, people here can help you out but all the units 440 mentioned have a little of everything.
Good luck!
+2, I think elk hutning in Oregon is much better than deer hunting right now. I know Sivies unit better than the others mentioned. If you want some info on it send me a PM.
Deer or elk.
Thanks to all of you guys. I realized after I posted that I really hadn't given enough information to be helpful. For example, while I love chasing big deer and have become pretty good at it, I have never hunted elk. I simply want the experience of a good hunt with my son, with a reasonable chance at putting meat in the freezer and a good adventure without taking advantage of a push-over, if any such thing exists with elk hunting. He is still two years out, and so I will continue purchasing points. When the time does come, I will take you up on your offer for additional advice. (But I still like hearing about it now! I gotta dream...)
Thanks to all of you guys. I realized after I submitted my post that I hadn't included enough information. To start, while I have become pretty successful at located big deer over three decades of hunting, I have never once hunted elk or antelope. I picture elk country as either mountainous or thick trees, but would prefer to hunt open country, if this is realistic. I am not after a big bull--I simply want a new adventure, with a reasonable chance of connecting with some venison (remember, I don't get much elk meat, but it is my favorite.) Since my son is still two years out from receiving his license, I will continue to purchase points, and follow up on your offers when the time finally arrives. In the meantime, I appreciate your advice--as you know, half the fun is in the anticipation. In this respect, Oregon provides great potential for "half" the fun! And I would still love to hear your views on alternates to Beatty's Butte--the other half of the fun is seeing new country. Thanks again. :)
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