122 Dead & Counting


Very Active Member
Should help alot with elk and deer numbers....


122 wolves
0.3 deer per week per wolf
52 weeks in a year

=1903 deer that will not get eaten in 2012

not to mention the fact that the wolves are more afraid of humans than ever right about now...

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
A perfect time for my first post. Hopefully every wolf is taken from each unit! Wouldn't mind giving it a try myself one day.
ya thats a good start... but in the end its going to take aerial gunning and poison to keep them under control.
It is now 129 in Idaho, and i believe around 60 in Montana. 4,000 elk will live that would have been killed the 200 wolves.

thanks for the post

LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-11 AT 01:20PM (MST)[p]213 dead, but how many are left out there killing our big game animals?

Thank you USFWS.
So does it surprise anyone else that none have been killed in southern idaho?
Could have dumped a black one in Mt but didnt have a tag. If the F&G didnt want to rape a nr for 350bucks there would have been one less wolf roaming montana. Don't get me wrong it was tempting the ultra mag was locked and loaded and the safety was off and the crosshairs were leveled on the shoulder and finger on the trigger but i decided against it. I know i could have SSS but didn't.

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