$1200 cow tag???

Some would!

Sure the Hell ain't gonna be me!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
The guy we buy our hay from sells us beef and pig to fill our freezers. 1/2 beef is about 350lbs cut and wrapped. Cost is about $650.00. Pigs are considerably less. About 180 lbs cut and wrapped for about $125.00

Ain't know wilde elk gonna be that cheap, even a hi fenced won......
Only if its a high fence hunt. That way I am assured its been corn fed.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Hey buttshot!

Bet them are old prices?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 09:09PM (MST)[p]Nope, them prices was just payed about 2 months ago. 1/2 beef and 1/2 pig cut and wrapped cost me about $900.00
Ya, just checked my post above. I was off, I payed $750.00 for the meat and I am looking through my desk for the receipt to Circle V for butchering.
Circle V boys do a Great job!

Ya,that Beef is Spendy!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Can't find my receipt, so I called my cousin, he bought the other 1/2. He figures it was about $2.58/lb for the beef and he can't remember what the pig was.
His beef was about 280 lbs, so mine had to be right close to that and I think the pig was about 120 lbs.
I put that da#$% receipt on my desk so I could compare it on a later day and today is that day. Guess what, it will be there when I am looking for supply house invoices.&^#@%^%$$*&%@
$1200 for a pregnant cow? No way and no thanks. I believe I saw a cow hunt a month or so back for $1600! But, I am not 100%
Buttshot, you one of those guys that says "long story short" but ends up telling the long story anyway? :)

Traditional >>>------->
I'm not one who will pay 1200+ for a cow tag unless it sports about 325"+ of antler on it's head.
I like taking a cow every once in a while but you've got to have money to burn to pay that price.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-11 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]We sell cow elk tags on our ranch for $1,200. It includes the use of a cabin for 2 nights, hunt for 3 days in September. I would not pay that, but some people do. I have a waiting list, as crazy as that sounds. A few years back I asked what people would be willing to pay for such a hunt and that was the average.

If anyone is interested, We just killed 2 beef and they are hanging now; should be ready within a couple weeks. I think there is one 1/2 that hasn't been claimed yet. These were 2 1/2 year olds, hadn't been medicated/vaccinated in over a year, pasture run, grained moderately, but they have been eating apples in an orchard for 2 months. Not too fat, but plenty fat for our liking (we are keeping the 1 and 1/2 for our family). I imagine a 1/2 cut and wrapped would run around 300 lbs @ $2.85/lb cut and wrapped. Located in Utah County. PM me if anyone is interested.
About average for nowadays. I know over 20 people per year who pay 1500 per year. Not a bad price at all for what I have been seeing.
Curtis Wilson
One more animal they've turned in to a Money deal!

Kill em!

Kill em all!

When they're all dead We'll see how many permits are being sold!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can

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