
LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-12 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]I wonder if them are his TARD Tracks out through that Meadow?

You might have to Paste it in your Browser!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
120 yards with a bow,next to the truck, sure to be a tard! But if I was to put money on someone to make that shot my money would be on Dan.
good thing he used stealth mode to walk that extra 2 steps around the truck to get a shot.

did they edit a shot out. he started out with a few arrows in the quiver and towards the end it looked like one was missing.
Lotta shooters, not so many hunters anymore!!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-12 AT 11:30AM (MST)[p]Lotta shooters, not so many hunters anymore!!

***Ain't that the truth! I think he shot at least one other time before he hit the bird on camera. I wonder how many missing or wounding shots these "long rangers" take off camera before they get one DRT for the shows!
Listen to the guy in the background at the end say "lets drive up and get em". That is absolutely lazy. If your gonna hunt, then be prepared to at least walk 120 yards on flat soft ground!
shoot into enough caves......sooner or later you're bound to hit a bear......

Not condoning shooting that far - especially at live critters. I have shot with Dan on several occasions and he practices religiously at that range....and further. I've been behind the camera on a couple of his elk and I know for a fact that he's not launching arrows at the big bulls he's killing. I wish he'd update his 'elk stats' on their webpage as he has average yards per kill as one of the line items. Again, not defending...... just saying that I'd rather see Dan Evans kill a turkey at 120 than some BOTW homer shoot at an elk at 1000 yards with hos newfangled scope right out of the box! - Cade. www.huntforeverwest.com
Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should. Disgraceful. I don't care who it is.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

weak...the only thing worse than being irresponsible enough to to something like that is to post a video of it so others will think it is a good idea.
"just saying that I'd rather see Dan Evans kill a turkey at 120 than some BOTW homer shoot at an elk at 1000 yards with hos newfangled scope right out of the box!"

Trophy Taker homer, BOTW homer, no difference really. Just because you know one doesn't make him any better than the other. He shot, the Turkey is dead, goal accomplished. I don't really care how far it was or many shots it took. But, when you post in the web, you'll get both praise and criticism. Best be able to deal with it.
I just lost all respect for him. Just like any other hunter who thinks it's cool to shoot long range. Especially bowhunters, I'm a big bowhunter and close shots are alot tougher than long shots. That's where the bragging rights are. Sad this guy makes his living selling to the bowhunting community then goes and does something like this. Very anticlimatic and unethical.
'very unethical'....enough already with all the 'unethical' BS being crammed down everyones throat. 'very unethical' for you maybe, don't tell him, me or anybody else what our ethics should be. Set YOUR standards and YOUR ethics accordingly, but leave me alone, along with everyone else. I've had it with all the, "I'm so ethical", "I respect the animals", "I only take shots I am perfect at".....bla bla freakin' bla. I don't care what anyone else does. If you want to shot 10yds or 1000yds, congradufreakinlations! Who gives crap!

I do agree with WapitiBob, if you're gonna post it...be ready for chit storm.

BTW, just so you know for next time, ethical standards are a personal thing. Not a one size fits all. Oh yeah, one more thing, I don't know Dan Evans, never met him and don't care what so ever what he shoots or how he does it.
>'very unethical'....enough already with all the
>'unethical' BS being crammed down
>everyones throat. 'very unethical' for
>you maybe, don't tell him,
>me or anybody else what
>our ethics should be. Set
>YOUR standards and YOUR ethics
>accordingly, but leave me alone,
>along with everyone else. I've
>had it with all the,
>"I'm so ethical", "I respect
>the animals", "I only take
>shots I am perfect at".....bla
>bla freakin' bla. I don't
>care what anyone else does.
>If you want to shot
>10yds or 1000yds, congradufreakinlations! Who
>gives crap!
>I do agree with WapitiBob, if
>you're gonna post it...be ready
>for chit storm.
>BTW, just so you know for
>next time, ethical standards are
>a personal thing. Not a
>one size fits all. Oh
>yeah, one more thing, I
>don't know Dan Evans, never
>met him and don't care
>what so ever what he
>shoots or how he does

Wow! This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "Panties in a Wad". Every post above mine but 1 says the same thing. I happen to mention the word "ethical" and this guy starts crying like a 4 year old.

Of course ethical standards are a personal thing. So is any other standard. Something of which you don't have much of. Oh wait, now I'm judging you. And heaven forbid we can't have that without another tissy fit tantrum.

BTW, Sneekattack if your ethical standards aren't as high as others don't expect an applause for what to do. Dan Evan's is probably learning that about now. You have the right to make an A$$ of yourself just like we have the right to ridicule you for it, especially if you go and post something like that. When your ready to graduate from the 7th grade and overcome everything being so personal let me know.
I agree on the ethics thing. To each their own, as long as someone's ethics don't cause problems for others.

I do wonder sometimes about what the point of bow hunting is if your taking those kind of shots. When I started bow hunting 45 yards was considered a long shot and you didn't hear of people taking 65, 70 or 80 yard shots--though I'm sure some did. I suppose if the bow hunt extends your season it is good, otherwise it seems pointless. Most of the elk and deer I've killed with a rifle were within 100 yards. The funnest part of bow hunting is getting close.
I was voicing my disgust for the holier than thou mentality. That wasn't even close to a hissy fit.

If you'd like to continue this conversation is private, feel free to contact me via pm or email. Beyond that, thanks for your insite into the popular/acceptable and ethical.
"Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior"

So ethics is not a personal thing:
"Ethical is an accepted practice for a group or culture"
"Unethical would be the opposite or an unaccepted practice" Therefore we have business ethics, medical ethics, driving ethics and yes even bowhunting ethics.

Personally I hope that 120 yard shots never become an acceptable practice in "bowhunting"!!! I beleive the reason to bowhunt is to take animals at close proximity. With that said I understand there are a growing number of archers that know nothing of bowhunting and therefore settle for long range shots that they have practiced on the field range and believe they can make in an actual hunting situation. To me this is sad as they are selling themselves short as to the the thrill of an intimate encounter with their quarry. At least in the circles I run in the community of folks using arrows as the object of harvest would say that 120 yard shots have been and continue to be deemed unethical.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-12 AT 01:41PM (MST)[p]Someone's been on Wikipedia. Nice cut and paste work MulePacker. However, my moral compass is not directed by an internet forum sub-culture. Let me know when you get your mail-order PHD in philosophy.

I do agree with the second part of your post. Well said.
I should know better than to argue this as it is obvious you are the authority to yourself. However, the premise that all civilized societies hold true is that we have an accepted behavior which may or may not coincide with the law. So this is not a subculture of an internet forum but an accepted practice of bowhunting since the beginning of time. Yes you can live outside of the accepted behavior in all endeavors. However do not lecture the rest on accepting your behavior just because it is you. You see just as I am not that special because I back my arguement with cut and paste wikipedia as proof, you are not that special just because you back your arguement with you. By the way I will pass on the mail order PHD. I live in close proximity to a University to attend classes if I so wish.

A little food for thought: What does direct your/my moral compass?

I don't know, or care what directs your moral compass. I worry about my ethics and morals, which are strickly personal...not created by or directed by anyone other than myself. I will not force my agenda on anyone. I will do my best to live within my MY standards/ethics/morals, all the while obeying whatever law or ordinace that may take precedence...to the best of my abilities. As I attempted to say earlier, I get tired of folks trying to determine what is appropriate behavior for everyone else. No offense meant. Good luck this hunting season.

My ethics are my own-

>Well Bessy......It looks like he is
>from Montana ? So atleast
>he is not a Utard


Maybe I shoulda said 'MON-TARD'!:D

Not knockin the Guy!

Just not How I've taught Jr how to Hunt Turkeys or any other animal!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-12 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]Actually, since I DO have a Ph.D. in a philosophy oriented field (literature)and have this very same debate with students quite frequently when discussing themes of ethics in politics, literature, and culture, I will say that ethics and morals are in fact NOT INDIVIDUAL, but are the collective beliefs and accepted practices within a given community or society. If this were not so, then there would be no basis for codes or laws to even be written, let alone enforced. Societies would (and do) fail when they do not adhere to some kind of a code or level of behavior tolerated and acceptable by the hegemonic or dominant (not necessarily majority) portion of that society or culture. So, really arguing ethics on something like this is and saying it is a personal choice is a little like a child molester or NAMBLA member arguing that pedophilia is natural and a personal choice and within the codes of one's own personal morals and ethics. We are seeing the foundations of our moral codes being erased daily on a lot of fronts due to this very same logic. There are factions within the hunting community for which this type of behavior is perfectly acceptable and ethical, but that does not mean it is acceptable to the hegemonic or dominant part of that culture or society. It appears that it is the hegemonic opinion that the hunter could have made a better choice, as most of the dominant part of the hunting society would have. And please don't say "Don't judge blah blah blah..." Yes. I DO judge. We, as a society DO judge by the very choices we make. Judgement is inherent in choice - what we chose shows the judgement we have made on the behavior of others and we can't escape that, it is an actual part of the choice we have made. When we elaborate on that choice and call a particular behavior unethical, we are both reaffirming our own choice and policing the prevalent hegemonic ethics and morals. So sorry, but your ethics are not your own -they are all of ours. And really, when it comes right down to it, all we are saying is that a 120 yard lob with an arrow into a turkey across a meadow standing while standing beside the truck and then offering to drive across the meadow to retrieve the turkey isn't much of a sneak attack, I think we all agree on that. It is slob hunting at its best and disgusts us to the core.

And Bob - Fred Bear would have made that shot with a recurve, behind cover, after hiking half a day to get there. It is not so much the distance on the shot that appalls us, it is the attitude and disrespect with which it was done.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

I really should just stop now....but I just can't. Dr. Roy, your comparison "So, really arguing ethics on something like this is and saying it is a personal choice is a little like a child molester or NAMBLA member arguing that pedophilia is natural and a personal choice and within the codes of one's own personal morals and ethics" is something that I would expect an extreme leftist to run his mouth about. You should choose your generalization more carefully. That is the most gruesome exaggeration I've heard in any conversation I've ever been party too. You should be ashamed of yourself for even attempting to draw a conclusion regarding ethics by linking these two polar opposite topics. It makes me sick that you can so easily downgrade the single most heinous crime as to compare it to someone taking a long range archery shot. Ethics ARE personal. I'll argue that to the end. It can also be referred to as agency. According to your faith, you should understand this plainly. We each have agency, a conscience, values, standards. Yours may not be the same as mine. It's obscene to assume I view the world through the same rose colored glasses as you. That goes against the very core of your religion, your free agency. Without getting overly religious?.for you and or anyone else to say that my moral code should coincide with yours is adversely inconsistent with the Saviors plan.
A PHD in Literature is comparable to a PHD in Philosophy? I did not know that.

My ethics are my own-
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-12 AT 10:04PM (MST)[p]Ethics are at different levels. So yes we can have personal ethics that are of a different standard than a greater group. The greater group will also have ethics. Many professions have ethical standards, but individuals within the profession may have some variation on those ethics. My professional ethics are not at the same standard as most in my profession. Generally if one is going to be consistent in observation of ethics (personal or otherwise) they are going to have to have a handle on the moral principles behind the ethics.
sneakattack- you sound like an idiot. The more you speak, the worse it gets
Literature does deal with a little bit of everything - philosophy, ethics, morality, science, history, psychology, math, biology, ecology, you name it. And, if you really want to know I have written several papers and done significant research on the ethics and rhetorical discourse of slavery in Colonial Latin American and the Caribbean So yeah, it compares very well, and yeah, I can be considered an expert on the subject. Besides that, the ethics of which you are speaking of are more of a general nature, and it doesn't really take a high school education to talk about it in this kind of a forum. You were the one who challenged everyone else's authority to speak on the subject while not declaring any of your own other than saying that your ethics are your own.

You missed the point. I did use an extreme example, this is a common literary device called hyperbole. But, I also said "it is a little like" - a simile yes, but still not a direct comparison. I did not say that 120 yard slob hunting turkey shooters were child molesters, (that would be a metaphor) nor did I imply that with my statement, but rather that is what you inferred from my statement because you did not read it in its entirety before you took it for face value and chose an emotional reaction instead of a logical one. I was merely pointing out the fact that your logic on ethics and a pedophile's are one and the same - there is no differentiation. You are saying that you are the only one who can say what is right or wrong for you (outside the limits of codified law), when in fact, there are social norms, standards, and ethics of the same magnitude which you adhere to everyday. Your logic doesn't make sense and you can't have it both ways.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

Your word play and attempts to twist my response, speaks generously of your admission that you spoke poorly when comparing the two. You were attempting to use and extreme example, a very poor choice of an adverse subject. I'm still appalled that you would try to make that connection. No amount of Colonial Latin American rhetoric will justify that comparison. As for challenging everyone?s authority, if we participate via a public venue, we open ourselves to criticism. The first of ten gives me all the authority needed to comment'so long as I don't infringe upon someone else?s.
I've had many conversations with members of this site. Rarely does the topic remain hunting related. Emotion tends to sway judgment. I stand behind my original point that neither you nor I can establish what is ?ethical? for anyone other than ourselves when it relates to a hunting situation. The horse is dead and has been sufficiently beaten.
Please check your PM?s; I only have one thing left. Good luck this hunting season.

My ethic's are my own-
"Emotion tends to sway judgment. I stand behind my original point that neither you nor I can establish what is ?ethical? for anyone other than ourselves when it relates to a hunting situation."

***Where will YOUR ethics be when people such as this guy with his bow and 1000 yard shooters cause you to possibly lose your right to hunt. You have missed the whole point of this debate in that when you are doing things that a large segment of people are doing and your ethics are below the overall majority and it might jeopardize their rights the majority should speak up in order to maintain those rights. Call it pushing or whatever, but personal ethics stop at some point if and when they infrige on a large portion of society.
I wasn't twisting your words, I was just using your own logic to show it doesn't make sense.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-12 AT 11:17AM (MST)[p]Roy, jump out while you can. You know that old saying of getting into an arguement with a fool.

Anyway it is good to know most understand that an Ethic is an accepted standard of a society. Those living the standard are considered ethical and those not are considered unethical. Not necessarily right or wrong (although most likely) yet outside of the standard and yes it is not a personal thing.

I wonder what PHD's others have on this site. Is it possible we may have an actual PHD of Philosophy to meet the "criteria" to weigh in on the subject?

Agency is the ability of one to chose be it right or wrong. Not the ability to always make ethical choices, or that simply because you chose that your choice becomes ethical because it is "You". I believe that is why there is judgement.

Now here I am in the fool pool again.
Roy said,"There are factions within the hunting community for which this type of behavior is perfectly acceptable and ethical, but that does not mean it is acceptable to the hegemonic or dominant part of that culture or society. It appears that it is the hegemonic opinion that the hunter could have made a better choice, as most of the dominant part of the hunting society would have."

That's kind of interesting. I understand your meaning and agree with your logic, but now days we live in two different ethics worlds, maybe defined as the ethics of television and the internet, and the eithics of real life. To your credit you said "It appears"

In my real world, (and I suspect many others) if someone came to work Monday morning and said they went turkey hunting and were driving down the road, spotted a big Tom, jumped out of the truck and shot it, 95% of hunters I know would say "congratulations you lucky sob." and mean it. Are 95% of the hunters I know unethical? Or maybe a better question would be, how is it even possible for 95% of the hunters to be unethical?

At least he steped away from the truck. I bet a lot of guys would have let him have it as soon as the door opened. My only question would be how far would he get off the road to retrieve the turkey. If they drove down and seen him dead off the trail at what point is it non energy efficient to get out of the truck and throw the turkey in the back.
The number of times distance shooting (archery or firearms) comes up as a topic of heated debate in these forums indicates that there is not solid majority that agree on an acceptable standard for all. There are many subgroups represented on MM alone with similar or dissimilar ethics on the topic alone.
Good point Eel - but again, it is not as much about the yardage as it is about the attitude and the way he went about it. I would hope that the majority (and the hegemony) would object to it.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

>Good point Eel - but again,
>it is not as much
>about the yardage as it
>is about the attitude and
>the way he went about
>it. I would hope that
>the majority (and the hegemony)
>would object to it.
>Since I am frequently asked about
>my religion on this site
>and others, I have created
>a profile that explains my
>beliefs. If you are interested
>in finding out more about
>my faith, please visit the
>link below:

But whether or not you or anyone else regards this as private/personal ethics, once this shot was placed in the public's eye, it became a matter of public ethics. This is just the type of video that certain groups love to see in order to promote their anti-hunting, anti-archery hunting agenda. I've even heard it in RAC and Wildlife Board meetings from those who think archers have/had an "unfair" season length or area. They're saying that archery technology has surpassed the need for special considerations.

And the animal rights crowds get a lot of support/money from these videos.

It may have been personal ethics when the shot was taken, but it sure isn't now!
+1 elkfromabove. You couldn't have made a better post on long distance shooting which needs to be said a few times over. You guy?s that keep shooting critters at long distances with archery gear, just keep it up and your archery seasons may be combined with muzzle loading or rifle seasons for the very reason elkfromabove mentioned. Our archery equipment is getting a real close eye on it from a technology perspective. The continued success rate or wound rate from long distance shooting (thats right, I said shooting, not hunting) is going to end your longer archery seasons. It may even stipulate one day that you must hunt certain seasons with recurve or long bows only. Archery should be about getting close to your quarry, getting there is well over half the battle. For those of you that prefer 100 yard shots or longer, why don't you just pick up a muzzle loader or firearm? Obviously you don't have the desire to get in close or don't have the patients, which to be an archer, is a must have.

I didn't make the movie justr!

You know if I did make movies they'd need EDIT jobs!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
Oh now come on justr!

There's No EDIT Jobs for me!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
Hunting is becoming a technical pursuit rather than one of woodsmanship.

How the he11 can we argue that hunting is our heritage with yahoos taking game at ranges that make outdoor skill unnecessary? Stalking that bird to 40 yards would be impressive. But, stalking is a dying skill, and with it dies the sport.

Thanks buddy!

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