

Long Time Member
Exactly 9 years ago today, I graduated Navy boot camp in Great Lakes, IL. Exactly 69 years ago today, 2,403 Americans lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Please take a moment today to remember those who died for us and if you know someone who's served or is serving this great nation...please take the time to tell them thank you because FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!!


God bless America and those who serve and who have served!

It's always an adventure!!!
This one is for Homie & others alike Homie!


God Bless Our Military!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Every American should get to stand on The Arizona Memorial and gaze down at the tomb of brave Americans. It's fitting that it is still leaking fuel oil.
Freedom isn't free....Amen to that.....amazing how many people I've ran into that were actually there when it happened..I know of only one that is still alive.....never forgot 9/11 also....
Helped neighbors in cleaning up an old house when I was in High School and I found this and kept it...

>Every American should get to stand
>on The Arizona Memorial and
>gaze down at the tomb
>of brave Americans. It's fitting
>that it is still leaking
>fuel oil.

I had the chance to visit the Arizona Memorial a few years back among other sights. I completely agree it is fitting that it is still leaking oil.
Thank you never_catch, and thank you to all military active and retired. Especially those still alive from WWII.

1 Corinthians 2:2
Roger that never_catch! My colors were up at sunrise. Thanx for the reminder to the rest of the MM world.

I will say that I admire and respect all that served and serve our country. One regret in life I have is that I never joined the armed forces in some way. I hold you all in the highest respect.
Special Thanks Never Catch and all those who served. To think of where we would be with out you guys and gals. Prayers for those friends and families who have loved ones that have perished in the line of duty. God Bless

Last Friday I saw 2 newspapers from the El Paso Times. One was dated 7 Dec 1941 and the other one was 8 Dec 1941. The headline from the 7th warned caution with the Japanese peace talks. The one from the 8th headline was WAR! The paper was released before the attack happened, that and the news took a little longer time to get to them in El Paso.

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