118 Elk


Very Active Member
So yesterday with just minutes let I put in for 118-1 with 5 points and did the speical also! So I am pretty sure I will draw it! So question is! Have any guys hunted it for Elk and did you do any good?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-13 AT 07:52AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-13 AT 07:51?AM (MST)

I've hunted it twice for cows. Get a list and start calling landowners...you'll need private access to find the better hunting for bulls. Some nice ones out there, but also a lot of area out there with no elk....good luck hope you draw. I always tell people the best advice I have for 118 is to make sure you have a ranch to hunt before you put in, but if you start now you have plenty of time to find a couple (don't just settle for one, the elk move around like crazy once the season opens). Oh yeah concentrate on the western side and stay away from the areas close to Rawlins.
Thanks 30Hart! Yeah I figure that I was going to have to pay some a trespass fee on this unit! I will start doing my research now! Thanks again

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