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A recent two week wandering in the midle of nowhere Kyrgyzstan, central Asia within the massive and beautiful Tian Shan (Celestial) mountain range.

A bone jarring 10 hour ride to the end of the earth.


Typical Kyrgyz homestead. Portable!




Mode of transportation




Easy, old boy, don't trip now!


Fly camp.





Past hunters



Plenty of four legged hunters in the area too.




After Richard's Marco Polo success, we enjoyed Argali oysters!




Damned cholla follows me around the globe!!


Past 13K ft, it was COLD


Setting up




Helluva place, these mountains


AWESOME!! Just straight up awesome! You're a blessed man to travel the world the way you do. Incredible pics. Particularly like the camp, food, culture pics. Where next?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-11 AT 01:14PM (MST)[p]Thats my dream trip right there! Fantastic pics! You are a lucky guy! Those are quite the hunting rigs, those would be a smash for the road hunting community!

By the way, I wanna make my computer type that way too....

It's an interesting part of the world. It feels "distant" when you're there, for sure.

There's nothing quite like a mountain hunt.

GREAT trophies and excellent photo report! Thanks.

Your internet friend,
the rifle is a Match Grade Arms rifle. It is in 300WSM. Shoots lights out with handloads. Zeiss 4X14 w turrets on top.

Ah yes, the mare's milk.. It tasted about as good as it sounds! I took one sip and that was more than enough for me!!

Thanks guys. It was a very diff hunt. It was cold, isolated, high altitude (I shot the ibex at 14,040ft) mediocre food (at best), huge language barriers, etc.. BUT I am really glad to have done it. It was quite the adventure.
Nice Ibex Scotty,
I am curious if you were also after a ram?
Either way I hear that is quite an experience. (that I will never be able to have.)
I would also say if you only got to eat RM oysters the food was worse than mediocre!
Thanks for sharing
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-11 AT 02:21PM (MST)[p]No Marco Polo for me.. As weird as it may seem to some, they just don't do it for me. I have never had an itch to hunt them.
And IMO, the trophy does not justify the insane price tag.

The ibex are much more wary and a much more difficult hunt for 1/5 the cost!!

There were 3 of us in camp and one of us shot MP..a damn nice one in fact. I'll post the vid. It's the guy in the pic above with the plate of his ram's oysters..

The Marco Polo I saw (alot) were about as smart as, well, sheep.. they would stand there at 100 yards and look at you. The ibex were wild as a goat fart in the wind!! Way more so than I had anticipated in fact!

My dream sheep are right here at home.. An AZ desert stud and a big NM or MT hammer.

Here is Richard's ram.


Great of you to point us to the sheep video Scotty.
I am not at all disputing your experience, but the sheep on that video looked plenty wary to me. Anyway, thanks for the outstanding post!
Awesome. Congrats. Did you see alot of Ibex and sheep? I will never make it to that part of the world I have the Africa addiction way to bad and love to see and here stories about things like this. Congrats.
Awesome almost did'nt open the thread...glad I did. Really cool. I am trying to set up a trip right now in Pakistan (I work here off and on and am here as I type) and here for a few more days) maybe even for this Jauuary for Ibex. Been trying to get it togerher for years. Getting a pretty good discount but would be really interested in the costs of Krygistan and other details.

What kind of Ibex are they????

I actually clicked on this forum to start my own thread asking about Pakistan Ibex....sort of ironic
Great pictures and the video was really neat... The Marco Polos did'nt seem to overly tame to me...

Looks like a real adventure... Did you shoot two of them or is that somebody elses and they were together...???
Friggen AWESOME!!! Very enjoyable. Thank you so much for sharing! Looks like an inhospitable place and so tough hunting conditions. And dam cold!!

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Looks like a great hunt, congrats on the take and you probably make most of us jealous......
I never should have opened this. Now I want to do it. . . How do I explain this to the wife?

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
Spectacular. Looks like an amazing adventure, Can't wait to do it one day ! Thx for taking the time to share!
Right on Dude, looks like one hell of an adventure ya had o'er there...excellent photo journal man, just awesome...Congrats on the nice billies as well!


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