11 NR Points for Antelope


Active Member
I seem to be in that never catch up area for Hart Mtn or Juniper and a couple others. Would like some input for areas that would still be a good hunt that I could draw. Not after a state record just a nice buck.
would this be a shooter in your book? it was taken on a tag you can draw easy by my wife, and this is average for the unit. no monster my any means- but a decent , respectable goat.

as often as a guy gets to hunt the,[not very], i'd be glad to help as much as i could
I would be happy with that. I love hunting antelope, I have shot bigger. But I am tired of waiting, I have 11 points on deer, elk and antelope and prices keep going up. I am not rich but got into the point's game awhile back in several states and can't afford to get out at this point. Thank's for any help Killer, PM or post any information you can give me would be apriciated.
i'll send you a p.m., just cause some people get pissed at guy sending public info..... dumb:)
Good post.
Question: Do you think A NR with 8 points will ever draw a Rifle Lope hunt even in a lesser sought after area?
Hate to throw 8 points out the window, just don'nt how many more years I can keep applying with the fee increase's this year.


You will draw in most units. But if you check out the amount of poeple with 8 points, most units will take you 3 to 6 years until the poeple with more points will draw out. I have 8 points myself and have considerd just throwing them away. I think alot of NR's will cash in this year and then stop putting in for oregon. Which should make it hard to judge what unit you could draw in the next few years.

Later Matt
I believe you'd have a real hard time drawing any rifle antelope hunt with 8 NR points. Look through the point summaries on ODFW's website and that will tell you where you are sitting and what you will need to draw. This changes every year as there are more and more applicants. 8 points is the bare minimum for Residents and that's even pushing it. Residents need 9-11 to draw most units.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I guess you can't win if you don't play...
Merry Christmas.
I hear all of you and agree! I am a NR and my wife and I both have 12 points for Antelope, she also has 12 for elk. I am going to send you a pm Killerbee, that looks like fun country to hunt in, looks like some of the area we have hunted muleys in around Burns.
My wife will apply this year and myself next year, if her hunt is good, I will apply for the same unit. If it is crap I will pick a different unit or just pick a different area in the same unit. This will be our only shot at Oregon antelope so we would like to have a good time and a great hunt!
Finnman, send me a pm and tell me what you are hoing to catch up to and I might be able to give you a few ideas. BS
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