10x42 EL Swarovski Problem



Purchased them end of september and already the dioptric wheel seized and the focus wheel is rough moving. Swarovski made me pay shiping and insurace around 40.00 dollars to get them there. plus i am out the binos for a month. Lady over the phone was not very freindly. Dont realy think they stand out compared to any other company like i have heard as far as waranty and customer service go. I hope the lenses are not scratched when i get them back as she insisted that i dont send the caps back on the binos.
Swaro has the BEST warranty in the business, I wouldn't be surpised if you got a new pair out of the deal if its not an easy fix.

They 'made' you pay shipping? What did you expect them to do? Send you a check? I'll bet they ship them back for free.
I think they have the best product out there. I have the
20-60x65STS and the 10x42EL's.I just think if a guy pays that much cash and two months later they break. I think they should send you a box and something to put over the lenses pre posted. There are many companies that do that same procedure if the product fails in that short of time. If they were a couple years old and had been used a little i understand paying to send them back.
Don't know what to tell you on the new purchase warranty work. I do know that swarovski has, IMO, the best warranty out of any hunting product I own. On my pair,the wings where the bino system clips attach to, broke and I sent them in (paying shipping only) and received a virtually new set of binoculars, no charge. I've had two friends that accidentally ran over their swarovski's (ouch!!) and sent them in, no charge on repair. I understand the pain of shipping charges, however I consider it cheap insurance considering the investment.

I will say the one thing I didn't like is how long the repair took. I believe I was without them for almost two months. So, I guess it turned out ok, because I had an excuse to look into purchasing another pair as back up (Just In Case).

Swarovski's customer service dept. is the best you'll ever experience. If you want to see a wait, send something into Leica or Zeiss! If it were me, I would've dropped 'em in a USPS Flat Rate box, slapped $10.45 on it for postage and delivery confirmation and sent them on their way.

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