101.6" AZ ANTELOPE??



i was going through some stuff and found the arizona hunter's handbook from 1972-'73. in the back is a trophy listing and the record antelope is listed at 101.6". killed in antelop valley in 1878 and given as a gift to dr. h. beck. currently (in 1972) owned by the academy of national sciences. has anyone here ever heard of this buck or have any ore info on it? it's not listed in my current arizona trophy records book.

and in case you were wondering, a resident antelope tag was $20 in 1972. non resident was $50.

It is listed as #1 in the B&C Records of Big Game 1971 Edition and it is also in the 1977 7th Edition as well.

If it used to be in the B&C record book and isn't anymore it was removed for one of two reasons. It was fake or the owner wanted it removed. I'd like to see it and hear the story if anyone knows it.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-05 AT 11:34PM (MST)[p]JB,
You want me to scan a picture and send it to you, the background is black but maybe I can lighten it up some before.
I just checked and it was REMOVED sometime between 1977 and 1981 as it was not in the 8th B&C Edition.

This might be the one that was removed because it was a fake,two different sets of horns added together .Some taxidermist was doing a remount and discovered it.Any way seems I remember reading that one time but I may be wrong...Devlin
wow! even if it is fake, it's still impressive to look at. thanks for the information, and thanks kilowatt for the pic.

It is a fake if I'm not mistaken. It was removed from B & C some time ago. I believe it was spliced together with another buck, I also think it was done way before the record books ever existed with no deceptive intent, unlike some famous hunters we've all heard of.
it's a real common practice to move pronghorn horns up a little on the bone blade, to make them look a little taller, during taxidermy. that's what had happened with this one. seems like the taxidermist used paper meche on this one, to fill in the gap. it was done before there was even a record book. it seems to me tho, that even with the meche removed, it would still be the world record. it was a long time ago, and i can't remember for sure. it was pretty well assumed that there was never any intent to decieve, because there was no book then. i always wondered why it was stricken from the book and not just re-measured and re-entered in it's new proper place? as much time as they spend measuring a world record, you'da thought that someone would have noticed it before.

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