100 MPH Crash on Camcorder

So, I wasted 6 minutes watching a British plane fly in circles? Damn you, Kilo!! :)

T&A Inspector
Actually, this happened a couple weeks ago about 20 miles from where I live. It was amazing the guy survived. His car split into several pieces after hitting the concrete. (there are some interesting still photos of it too)

He should have been a red smear on the pillar, but they found him sitting up injured, but coherent in the median. Last I heard he was still in the hospital.
Several years ago we had a guy auger him and his FA-18 into a mountain doing about 600knots. (I investigated USN aircraft crashes at the time) I got the call about 2130 or so, and headed out to the crash site, not expecting to see much other than red mist, if that. The pilot had died, but, his body was intact. And far from being mush. FWIW, the starboard engine was about 3/4 of a mile from initial impact.

Anyway, we took him to the morgue and began the autopsy. He was soaked in JP-5, but not a burn mark on him....not so much as a singed hair. He was a religious man, Catholic. One of the (I later learned it was called a scapula) cloth thingys around his neck said, paraphrasing, 'whosoever wears this shall not burn in the fires of hell upon his death'.

>Actually, this happened a couple weeks
>ago about 20 miles from
>where I live. It
>was amazing the guy survived.
> His car split into
>several pieces after hitting the
>concrete. (there are some interesting
>still photos of it too)
>He should have been a red
>smear on the pillar, but
>they found him sitting up
>injured, but coherent in the
>median. Last I heard
>he was still in the

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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