$100 Binos?


Active Member
So most of you guys will probably laugh at this question. Are any of you guys using binos that are under $100 that you are happy with? Just a 10x that I can carry on all types of hunts, from backpack hunts, to antelope, to tree stand whitetails.

I have been carrying a heavy cheap spotting scope and it's really not worth lugging around. Before that, I was using one of those super cheap ($10) little pair of Binos. So by no means, am I an equipment junkie but I feel like $100 should get me something decent.
Everyone will tell you to buy the best you can afford and they are right. That being said, for years when in school all I could afford were a $35.00 pair of Sam's club specials. I found a lot more animals with them then I used to without. After a few years I "upgraded" to some waterproof Barska's for about $70. Later some compact Brunton's (still good useable glass), and two years ago Swarovski's. I don't regret the money I spent on those cheap binos. I don't consider the Brunton's cheap glass and still occasionally use them in the truck when I can wrestle them from my son. If I'd waited until I could afford high end to buy binos I'd have had a lot of years not seeing animals that I did.

Go with water proof from the beginning if you can. Shop around and you may pick up a good pair of used binos for $100 that would cost $300-400 new.

Cheap glass is cheap glass, but still worlds away superior to no glass (until the glass fogs up anyway). Count on a year or two of service from the low end. Maybe three if your not as rough on stuff as some of us.

Steer away from the zoom models. As with spotting scopes, unless they are truly high end I think you will find that all but the lowest power will be useless anyway.
Hey guys thanks for the information. I will check out those Leupolds.

I have always had success even when using cheap equipment. I did have to hike across an entire basin this year, to figure out if I was looking at an okay buck or a spike, but oh well. haha. Later in life hopefully I will be in a position to spend more. but for now something in this range will have to do.
Great advice already given. Here is another idea: Place an online ad saying "Wanted to buy binoculars for $100.00." You might get lucky on a great pair of used glass.
Thanks for the information. And thanks for the PM foreman. I am still searching and that ad might just have to do.

I bought a pair of pine ridge brand from cabelas for my wife that are not too shabby. They are 10x40. They were 150.00 but the box was open so they gave'em to me for 100.00
Has anybody used the Weaver binos that Savvyninja posted? Look interesting. Know of any stores where I could check them out?
I wouldn't suggest buying a roof prism binocular that's not phase corrected, and those are not phase corrected. Porro prism binoculars don't require phase correction and you get a lot more "bang for your buck" with a porro, especially in your price range.

You'll also want to consider warranty coverage should you ever need it.
So, I think I'm gonna go with the yosemite 8x30. Anybody advise against this decision? They are the most comfortable for me, and clear view in my price range. And I don't mind having the Leuopold name on my side.
I have heard nothing but good things about them and they fit your criteria and you like them. I don't think you can go wrong with them. Let us know what you think of them after you've used them for a while.
go to a pawnshop see if you can find a pair of discontinued Minolta porro binos I think they are called sportview. These are fantastic binos fully coated lenses with bak 4 prisms. Should be able to get them easily under 100. You would have to pay 250 and up to get equal new. You want to look for fully multi coated bak 4 prism used binos. save hundreds and have excellent binos
There's one clear winner right now in this category. Doug sent me a demo to check out, and to say I was impressed was an understatement. I think he still has some at $59. That is an absolute steal.

For years during the late 80's and 90's I used Jason 10x50 Perma Focus binos and they were great. About $80. If you dropped them they were toast but otherwise awesome glass for the money. I think Bushnell bought them out and may still be making them.


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