$100.00 for anybody that can ?


Long Time Member
When it snow's find founder with a camera rollonig and give him the best white wash you can possible do!!
Lol, why you putting founder on a hit list?

I'm game!! LOL But do I get the $100.00 if I turn the tables and I'm the one doing the white washing?????

Brian Latturner
So you'll give me a 100 bucks if I can traslate this message? I'll give rackmaster a call.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>So you'll give me a 100
>bucks if I can traslate
>this message? I'll give rackmaster
>a call.
>"A well regulated militia, being necessary
>to the security of a
>free state, the right of
>the people to keep and
>bear arms shall not be


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