10 year wildlife goals -- With out throwing stones !!!



Since most of the comments surround Utah and its wildlife. Without mentioning what you like or dislike about the government, DWR, or specific sportmans groups. Lay out what you would do to meet these 10 year wildlife goals.

One million acreas of habitat restoration

40 million dollars in wildlife related highway improvements

Increaese in predator management budget

80,000 deer tags per year, with success and B/D ratios that are acceptable to all hunters.

Eight to ten 400 plus bulls killed per year

Good numbers of 160 inch plus bucks available on all deer units

10% increase in all OIL species populations and tags

A throw out SFW response is meaningless and simple minded.

We have a very informed and smart group here you have 10 years to meet these goals. What is your plan, and what are you doing right now to acheive it?
A good start. Some of the goals are a bit ambiguous and need to be concrete or maybe that is some of what you are looking for...

Increase in predator management budget
--without a dollar amount a $10 annual increase meets the goal.

80,000 deer tags per year, with success and B/D ratios that are acceptable to all hunters.
--"Acceptable to all hunters" is not obtainable (there are always some unhappy people about). You will need a ratio to decided on to shoot for.

Good numbers of 160 inch plus bucks available on all deer units
--again, a great idea but "good numbers" is too subjective and an actual outcome number needs determined. How would this be measured? Are all hunters in Utah required to check their game? If so, then a ratio of 160+ bucks would be a good measure, though I'm not sure the guys at the check stations are going to want to take on rough scoring every buck they see.

I'm not criticizing your post. Goals just have to be concrete to be really useful.
1--continue with habitat improvement/restoration projects.

2--make unit by unit management plans real plans with realistic population objectives, goals/objectives and strategies to implement, timelines, funding mechanisms to implement, and some sort of accountability. Work with local land management agencies, landowners, and sportsmen to make it these be real plans that will be followed.

3--determine if mule deer and elk populations are realistic with available habitat. Actually focus on carrying capacity based on habitat quality.

4--eliminate buck to do rations in ALL management plans and focus on population objectives based on #2

5--come up with a good model to determine harvest objectives and set permit numbers based on total buck numbers/by unit not buck to doe ratios.

Todd Black

Visit our YouTube page
Like the ideas so far


Just made the goals up off the top of my head. If you can make them more workable please do.
Make all LE deer units a predator free zone meaning that there is not tag limits on bear and lions on LE deer units, over the counter bear and Lion, again only on LE Deer units.
Would that mean no hunting? Hunters are a great predator. Since I assume you dont mean that what is the logic behind your plan? Not critizing, just curious?

I think Todd has some good thoughts on workable plan.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-12 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]Designate at least one high school in each unit to provide a 2 year biology based program geared towards enhancement of all game animals. With an emphasis on Mule Deer and the overall economic benefits that come from hunting.

The top twenty seniors in each unit at the end of each 2 year session would be offered a paid summer internship. This would include running a trap line while while collecting other pertinet
information, such as Deer counts, predator feces collection and an analysis among others.. Those student who complete the entire coarse would be entitled to collage credits.

The internship would also pay a bounty for each coyote taken by each student. These bounties would only be paid at the completion of the coarse as an incentive bonus. Just for fun throw in a State Championship for the unit that takes the most coyotes and raises the most money for enhancement projects.

All teachers and mentors to be hunters or hunter friendly. Many coarse lessons to be presented by local mentors such as ,ranchers, trappers, game wardens, outfitters, buissnes men, and so on. Some of the coarse lessons should include:

Techniques in fundraising and corporate partnerships.

In and outs of nonprofit organizations.

How to deal with local, state and federal goverment agencies.

Plus a full set of biological classes geared to Mule Deer.
I like many of the local ideas and management parameters. My purpose in the post is to establish a set of goals for the next decade. The next question is how do we get there.

If you don't like the goals presented then offer different ones. When we have a set of realistic goals. Then we can talk about how to make it happen.
...open all wilderness to multiple use.

There'd be more TUNE-UPS than you could handle!

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