-10 or 110?


Long Time Member
Would you rather have the weather extremely cold or extremely hot? I'd take the extreme heat over the bitter cold any day. I can't wait for summer.
I live in Phoenix and love the heat. For all you snow bound guys, I will be riding my mountain bike after work today wearing shorts.
If the temp reads either of those, I'm staying home. So I guess it really doesn't matter either way!

You can always put more clothes on, but you can only take so many off.

I work in a refrigerated environment.
I hate the heat.
Either one sucks. With the heat though I can still chill out on a river sand bar swillin' beer and cooling off in the water. Then at nite it will also cool off. Where in the cold it just gets colder at nite.
Neither for me. Lived in Tucson for 8 years as was glad to get away from the summers. It's 1 degree in Albuquerque right now with the wind chill about -24. Supposed to be 8 or 10 below tonight. At least I'll be stranded for 3 days in San Diego next week waiting on passengers. Since I'm gettin paid to wait, might as well go deep sea fishing! Sometimes my job is pretty good. :)
Well I have now endured 3 consecutive 6 month Texas summers (with 2009 having nearly 100 days of 100 degree plus days) w/o an AC in my car and looking at a 4th. I can hack it but I hate the heat, takes forever to get cooled down and my big Scandnavian/Northern European pores just run like a faucet at any temp over 80. My wife loves the heat and we fight over AC control always. I get sick of it and I dream for days when I can go outside and feel my nosehairs freeze in the wind when I take a deep breath. Today feels pretty refreshing - this is the coldest it has been in Central Texas since 1990 - the cold wind bites at you pretty good but I can always come in and get warm. Good feeling. Went camping in a tent the other night and loved the feeling of having my face freezing while the rest of my body was warm in my sleeping bag. The current temp right now is around 17 so with the wind chill today it feels like -3. Yeah, I don't think I could go anywhere for too long if my heater didn't work like I can w/o AC, but I am loving it today.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
With the temp at 7 degrees here in Amarillo,Tx right now 110 would feel pretty good. Overnight should drop to -6 degrees tonight(not including wind chill).

Ask me in summertime, anytime it's more than 95 degrees and I am wishing it would snow!

I need somewhere that stays between 15 degrees up to 95 degrees.....right next to the mountains for hunting and fishing....let me know where that is.
I get a kick out of you out of staters always bad mouthing CA. Can not blame you on bad mouthing Southern CA. But here in N.CA. in the foothills, we have some of the best weather year around.

When the valley floor is socked in with fog during the winter, we enjoy sunny skies and mid 60's weather. During the summer the valley is at high 90's with a few days of 100+ heat and we are about 10 degrees cooler and most days have a 5-10 mph breeze.

Yea! you guys in Arizona and N.M may be enjoying 70 degree weather, but your summers suck big time.

Now if we can export all our liberals, we would have a perfect state to live in. We have Oregon and Washington almost filled up with our liberals we exported, Guess what states are next.

Well after 4 winters in Anchorage, Alaska; with temps that dipped to close to -25 to -30 F that got really old, really quickly. Now that it gets over 100 F here in New Mexico in the summer, that isn't the best of climates. So I guess I have gotten stuck between a rock in a hard place. Oh well i guess you can't have it all.
Let's split the difference F-pup and go with 60!! I will take anything above freezing right now!
I love the cold. I'd much rather go outside and hunker down bundled up in the crisp chill. I can't stand the heat. Worked in it to long. Also I'd much rather be hunting and not be sweating up a storm.
Same here, I'll take the -10 any day. When it's over 100 I drink too much and can waste nearly the whole summer doing nothing.

It rarely hits either of those here.

110 - haven't seen it in 4 summers that I have been here. Highs normally top out right at 100 for a few days in the summer.

-10 - a few times, maybe 5 days a winter.

I prefer the warmer weather as time goes on. But I hate AC. I have also had hypothermia and frost bite, so now I am real careful in the winter time. Haven't had heat stroke, but I drink lots of water, and there is always some in the truck.
-10 works for me. I've had some of my best hunts at that temp. You can always put clothes on but what do you do when you get down to your skin to cool off at a 110. I deffinitely like the cold but -28 was just a little to cold Wed. morning.
>Same here, I'll take the -10
>any day. When it's
>over 100 I drink too
>much and can waste nearly
>the whole summer doing nothing.

+1 Pete, Heat = Drunk ...lol....
I used think -10 was cold, but since the last couple months in AK -10 has been kind of a heat wave around here. Spent a couple hours driving a snowmobile up the Yukon River a couple weekends ago only to find out later that it was -50 (not including wind chill) on the ice. Many people got frost bite. If any part of skin was showing for more than 10 minutes during the ride, pretty much meant it was going to be frost bitten.
I have spent some time in AZ, and I couldn't sleep because it was around 110. I averaged a total of 2 hours of sleep every night for couple weeks.... 110 is not for me.
So in conclusion, -10 looks waaaaayyyyyy more appealing to me.

"Like a midget at the urinal, always be on your toes!"
I'd rather have the cold. We get -10 often enough to know how it feels. With the cold, at least i can get to sleep at night. Anything over 100 wipes me out.

Not much tolerance left for either. Won't be long til we're chasing 70, year round.

I can take the cold, way too lethargic if it's over 85.

What I hate more than either hot or cold is the damn wind. I can hand -50 if there's no wind. If it's blowing, +30 is mean and +90 with a breeze is like a lousy blow torch.

Just never happy!
I'll take the cold anyday. You can get warm,but it's hard to cool down. I can't stand air conditioning,I have to be outdoors. Where I live it's been a really cold winter,a lot of minus mornings.But it only hit 100 once last year.
Gimme cold. I used to live in Ridgecrest, CA....three years of 100 degree temps at night. Got so hot during the day that tires would pick up asphalt from in front of my house, had to use gloves to pick up anything metal out in the sun.

Not gonna do it again, not ever.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
-38 in South Dakota and it hit 68 here today told my niece I wouldn't trade her for nothing, I like the 60's degrees weather. She ask if she could come out to get thawed out. LOL
It I have to pick between hot and cold The cold gets the vote everytime.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I will take the cold anyday! Cant stand the humidity here in Iowa even though it is only in the 90s. Just got back from Iraq 2 weeks ago. When I stepped out of the C-130 the first part of Aug. it was 132 degrees and 40 mile an hour winds. I couldnt breath. Lived on Whidbey Island off Wassnington coast for a while I thought that was almost perfect. If it got to 80 in the summer it was hot, but then you could go up in the Cascades. Winters where mild with lows around 30 on average. I have tryed to get my wife to move to Wyoming but she likes it HOT. If it isnt 80, she says its cold. We actually have real arguments over this. Never been there but would New Mexico be a good compromise?
Yes it would be a good compromise. You could freeze your butt in the winter nights and she could burn in the summer days and nights.


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