1 point



I got a question for you guys.. I got 1 antelope point for Utah and only reason I put in cause my ol lady did. You guys think it would be good to waste down on the plateau unit for archery? Just wanting to get rid of it now. Or possibly the box elder promontory unit? or should I just eat the point. I wanna put in for elk instead. Whats your guys opinion? Thanks
SJ Ranch is a possibility. Not a trophy hunt but you can unload your point quick.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
That can't be a serious question, can it?

If you're concerned about 1 point, why waste another year and fall a point further behind on elk by even trying for a pronghorn tag?

Forget the pronghorn point and jump into elk next year. After you draw elk....eventually... unless your choices are too lofty, your Pronghorn point will be waiting for you and you can move on to them.

Just my 2 cents,
I agree with Zeke.

I also have 1 pronghorn point and it will probably stay that way for years. The only reason I got it was because I was on the wait restriction for both elk and deer at the same time.

Let that pronghorn point sit and get yourself back in the elk game. If you want a pronghorn, go to WY.

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