1 million lottery ...LOL



BOSTON - The winner of a $1 million lottery scratch ticket may not be so lucky after all: He's a convicted bank robber who isn't supposed to gamble.

Timothy Elliott faces a Dec. 7 court hearing over whether he violated his probation when he bought the $10 ticket for the $800 Million Spectacular game at a supermarket in Hyannis.

Elliott was placed on five years' probation after pleading guilty in October 2006 to unarmed robbery for a January 2006 heist at a bank on Cape Cod.
>That's a shame.

Whats a shame? That he's a bank robber or that he might not get his winning because of it?

Screw that guy, I hope he doesnt get a penny and I hope that they find he broke probation and he goes back to the pokey.


what i want to know is how this guy only gets 5 years. Guess we need more street justice like the Texan.

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