1 buck down 2 to go


Very Active Member
MY pops got a 4x4 at 1130 am I will post pics later we just got back and it was a hike out were hungry and tired.

Beautiful buck. Is that a 30-06 or 7mm your Dad has slung over his shoulder? Love the old wood stocks.

Just got back from packing out two bucks we are done,I let my pal shot what I thought was the better buck because I used his points to get me the tag.I will post pics in a hour or two I am beat.
We packed out both capes my brother shot a big buck in nevada last year and the cape got ruined by the buck that was running with the buck he shot it gored it up bad by the time he could get across the canyon.If you look at our two bucks mine is on the left,its a pure mule deer I taped the ears at 26 inches tip to tip the rack is 27.My pals buck was a hybrid its ears were 22 inches and the rack is 23 inch.
Yeah, I noticed the differences in the facial structure and skull caps right away. Your buddies buck comes down to a point and has that high, narrow ridge on his nose. Your muley has more of a barreled nose. I didn't want to get to carried away commenting on them but they are different but both are great animals.

It's funny you should mention your brothers buck getting torn up. I had a buck get torn up after I shot him like you were describing on a dec. hunt on the east side. A second buck followed the same trail that my dead buck was laying on. He was a 30"+ 2x3. His fork side tines had to be close to 24" long. When he saw my buck he just put his head down and hit him...hard. At one point, he ran a tine all the way through his body starting behind the shoulder and ending just under the skin on the opposite side. When he brought his head up, it flipped my deer through the air like a rag doll. He also chewed his nuts up pretty bad as well. This went on for 45 min. to an hour. His bottom fork tine was stained dark red when he finally decided my buck had enough and I was within 15 yards of them. I'd never seen that or heard of anything like it since. I had some cape damage but didn't lose any points off my buck.

Congradulations again on a great hunt.
>Beautiful buck. Is that a 30-06
>or 7mm your Dad has
>slung over his shoulder? Love
>the old wood stocks.

Its a 270 pops was packing my gun out with his rack, the other guy packed out the other two guns earlier and brought his pack frame back.Dad got his with a 7mm ruger.
My pal went up tuesday in the rain since he couldnt work,hes a contractor,we told him a place to check out he ended up hunting a few other spots then headed to the place we told him about on wendsday at 1130, he hiked in and found this buck within 20 minuets its a 25 inc 3x3 with some cool extras around the bases.Its his first real buck ,he has taken one out of his back yard years ago with a bow but there was hunting involved hes preaty happy.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-11 AT 09:39PM (MST)[p]My dad allso had two friends up hunting the same unit we did and they took one small fork and are going back up for the last weekend to try and fill the last tag.
Is your buddy shooting a Ruger Mark VII in Stainless? That gun looks very similar to the gun I have. If so, what caliber? Two very good bucks....you oughta be proud. What zone?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Hey 6x7, Two thumbs up on your buddies buck. You're right, cool bases on that one. That beats workin' any day. Tell him congrats on his "first" buck, it's too late for him now! I could see how hanging out around you might might motivate a guy to hit the hills for themselves, congrats on a great year so far.

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