

Very Active Member
Gas in Missoula dropped to $1.99 a gallon for regular unleaded last night. Let the Arabs eat their oil.

From $4 to $2 in a few months. I guess the oil tycoons got sick of raping us.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
I paid $1.84 today in Utah.
Just three weeks ago i heard the anylists saying we'd never see it below $2 again....go figure!!


$1.79 in Abilene, Texas on Sunday, Nov. 16.

Had to look for it, but its there!

Today in Gillette, WY.

Lowest Wyoming price
1504 E Us 14-16 & S Butler-spaeth, Gillette

Prices by GasBuddy.com
$1.39 in Modesto,Ca this morning.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The question should be when will it start to go back up? and where will it stop? Its not gonna stay in the one dollar range for long.

I don't even pretend to get it.

$1.37 for reg unleaded in Cedar City, Ut.

$2.29 for desiel.

Keep that smoke belcher idiling I guess.

Its already climbing here in wisconsin we are at 1.89 as it has raised a dime in the last week.
P.S. I guess we have to keep the corn distillers in buisness.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-08 AT 09:15AM (MST)[p]Filled up last night for 1.29 a gallon for regular unleaded... 22 bucks for 17 gallons. Can't beat that!!!


Later, Brandon
$1.53 in Grand Junction. We all know that it will go up again and we'll still be over the barrel if we don't make progress towards self sufficiency.

BeanMan's energy platform.

1. Drill here, drill now including ANWAR. Environmental laws still apply.

2. Build Nuclear power plants to generate electricity which can provide power for many things including new processes for cracking Oil Shale (more appropriately called Keragen instead of oil).

3. Biomass energy/Cellulosic ethanol. The technology is ready to be tested in large scale plants, it will need to be done initially with Government help. Biomass energy should not be confused with fermenting alcohol from grains.

4. Dramatically increase funding for research on Hydrogen fuel cells, cheaper and more efficient solar, fusion and etc.

5. Build vehicles that are increasingly more fuel efficient. When my current truck wears out in ten or so years I hope I can replace it with one that gets more MPG without a huge price tag.

6. Utilize as much wind power as is possible. We need to upgrade our national electrical grid.

7. New homes should be built with the latest and best technology to conserve energy, take advantage of passive solar.

I'm probably missing something here and some of these items will prove to be unworkable. Even if purchasing energy created here in the USA is more expensive it should prove to be valuble to our economy (buy American) since the money and jobs will stay here. If we cut off the Middle East from our money they will be less of a threat to us.


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