'09 NWT Dall Sheep




this one in August in NWT with Nahanni Butte Outfitters
Thanks guys, I hunted with the Lancaster's at Nahanni Butte Outfitters. Got him on the 1st day of hunting after hanging out at base camp for a couple of days waiting for weather to clear. Bedded down 8 rams (three 8 yr olds probably pushing 160") at 225 yards for 6 hours until this old boy finally separated himself from the group. He was 10 yrs old & scored around 155. Would have been easy as sheep hunts go until he rolled down the hill and we had pack him back up the hill and over the ridge to camp in sleet and rain. Spent the next 72 hours weathered in a 2-man tent with my guide. Great outfitter and great sheep country,lots of rams would recommend the Lancasters for any of the hunts they offer (think their family outfits for 16 species) I've also hunted muleys, desert muleys, and Coues with them and will be hunting Stone sheep with them in '11.
Congrads on a great ram... The Lancasters are a great bunch of guys, I knew Cam very well , {RIP my freind} they sure have had some tuff luck with flying the last few years...Who was your guide??? Wade was showing me some pictures of a ram one of his hunters shot that looked alot like yours....
my guide was Shawn Bennett. Guess we didn't do too bad for a 1st time sheep hunter and guide.We were the 2nd group out after the chopper accident and had a great experience. Jim & Clay know how to run a camp. I've been hunting with Bart in Mexico and @ Fraser Canyon since '06. The ruts in full swing here in MS so I'll try to post some more pics Monday.
While I have never hunted with them I would have to say the Lancasters are a classy group. Their sheep hunting videos are as good as they get and they certainly have some great sheep country. They just seem like great people.
So did they have a chopper accident as well as Cam's death? I heard he went down in a fixed wing. Perhaps I am wrong. It was tragic any way you look at it
Yes,Cam was killed in a plane crash in Aug '08. There was a chopper accident in early August '09. They lost a hunter and the guide who was their cousin and their long-time pilot survived but lost a leg. Definitely a tough year for the Lancaster family. I lost my wife 8 days before Cam's crash and our sheep outfitter friend in MX (Roberto Noriega) lost a 7 year old son a couple of weeks later so its been a tough 18 months for us all.
Need a little help guys. Tried to upload more pics but files are too large. How can I reduce them?
I can't help with the picture problem, but I do express my sympathy for your loss and the bad run of luck for the Lancasters and friends!
Thanks so much. I've learned through these experiences that friends made in hunting camp are one of the main reasons that I enjoy traveling and hunting so much.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-10 AT 07:56PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-10 AT 07:54?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-10 AT 07:53?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-10 AT 07:52?PM (MST)



my ram is the one bedded on the bottom left
That is a dandy ram and some great pictures as well. That group of Dalls would get my blood pumping for sure. Was that the group you killed your ram out of? I am booked to be hunting with Arctic Red River (NWT) in 2011 and I hope to find a ram at least close to yours. Very Nice!

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