'08 NV Ram



Here's some pics of my '08 NV Desert Sheep.




WOW! That is a tank. I see some cactus. You must be down around Vegas? Great mass and about 36 length. Got to be 170+.
Congatulations on a great sheep. I had so much fun on my desert hunt.
That is one bad A Ram. He looks like he whooped some butt during his life. Great job. You must have had a lot of points to draw this tag :)

"You only live once,but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis
WOW! What a beauty of a ram. If this ram came out of unit 272, you did more than good. Taking a ram of this caliber out of that unit is really something. Congrats on the successful hunt.
Nice work man
That is some nasty country; desolation bascially. Joe and I used to ride diertbikes kinda out there
Thanks guys for the comments. That was trully the hunt of a lifetime. It feels nice to be a 1/4 slammer! And ya you're right, it is my first ram. I figure with maybe another 60 years of life maybe I'll draw another sheep tag someday. One can hope, right?
As you can see from the pics, the sinusitis got him good but he still grossed 159. It sucks for the score, but I don't really care. It would be interesting to know what he would have gone without the breaks. Probably mid to high 160s?

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