07' Rocky Mountain Goat Pics


Very Active Member
After two days of snow flurries and fog the weather broke long enough for me to locate and harvest my goat. The goats were really scattered and most had moved off the top. I dropped the goat 2 feet from a cliff and a near disaster. After a long vertical pack out I'm glad it's finally over. Notice how the fog rolled in again as we was ready to head out. Crazy weather!




Congrats to you on the Billy and the very nice pictures too. One question, where were you hunting? Reason is that looks like civilization in the back ground of the 3rd picture.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-07 AT 09:50PM (MST)[p]The hunt took place on the Ogden Unit(Utah) and yes that is the city below.
You kicked butt Robbie!

That is a great nannie! and you should be real happy with that one.

Happy for ya.

Wahoo!! 2 for us hicks from the stix. Gratz Rob, on the goat. Make a nice mount.
Nice goat, Nice to have a crew to help. That fog was something else, glad you were successfull. Nice pics, they are truely amazing animals. Good job, thanks for sharing.
Dumb question: Is it a nanny? The curve looks like a Billy but the length looks long. I have a tough time telling.
Cozmo, It is a nanny. Thats what I had a tag for. I noticed that trying to tell by the curvature of the horn is usually not a good method. Andyman, I know, wearing that Seahawks shirt he should have just jumped. LOL!

Way too cool I have sat by that dead tree in the 3rd picture alot and watched those goats there just a Cool animal and that herd of goats is doing very very well

Once again Congrads on a once in a lifetime hunt

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah
Kinda sad but my bud's young son that drew with '0' points did not get his tag filled....

2nd season and we all know about the weather... every wknd was terrible and he really could not miss much more school days.

Oh well at least he was up there and had a good experience...

Robb, Thats really two bad to hear. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that more tags went unfilled. That weather was really crazy up there. The Fish and Game said they have never seen the goats that scattered before.

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