05 goat hunt is done!! (pics)



Well, I just got back from our annual pronghorn hunt and I must say that we had the best year yet. The day before season opened, we videoed a buck that we all decided was a shooter. That night we all decided to draw straws to see who would get a crack at him. My buddy Kevin was the was the lucky winner of the straw draw. The next morn, he was in the same draw and Kevin ended his hunt in the first 20 minutes of opening morning. He was a super buck!! He ended up grossing 84 3/8ths as is, and would have grossed 85 4/8ths if he hadn't broke off. He is 17 5/8ths on his longest horn. What a buck...
Now to my hunt. We spent the remainder of the opening morn caping and quatering Kevins buck. We started my hunt at around 2 PM. We saw lots of up and comers but nothing that really piqued my interest. Late that evening, we found a buck with a big group of does that we got close enough to that we could get a good look at him. We both thought he was right on the 80" mark. I thought it over and decided to pass because it was just the opening day. Nothing else was seen that day. That night, I kept going over that buck in my head and kept thinking he was better than what we thought he was. I decided that if we could find him the next morn, I would take him. Well, the next morn, we found him in pretty much the same area. They were in a bowl that had a hill off to the east that we used as cover. We circled around them and snuck up the hill to where we thought they would be below us. We got to the top of the hill and sure enough, they were right at 220 yds down the hill. The bad news was that they intantly saw us. They started getting antsy, and I decided to take the shot. The .223 WSM barked, and I had my 05 buck. He was a pleasent suprise to all of us. He was ALOT more massive than we had anticipated. And longer too! He was 16 7/8ths on his long side and ended up with a gross score of 83 2/8ths as is. Had he not broken, he would have grossed 85 even. Not bad for a buck that I passed on the day before!!
It was a good goat hunt to say the least....

Here is Kev's toad..

And here is mine...


What a pair of SMOKER prarie goats! Congratulations on a pair of record class bucks.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Congrats again on your bucks. Wish I could have been there with you guys, maybe next year.

WOW, those are BOTH toads in my book. Congrats to you and your buddy!

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Thanks everybody. We appreicate the kind words. We couldn't be happier with the bucks we got. Thanks....

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