Search results

  1. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    Yeah that’s what I was thinking. He pretty short but I like his looks. Just wanna find one like that but bigger😂😂
  2. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    I like #2 a lot just his looks wish he was taller don’t think he will break the magical 80” but idk if I care we’ll see😬 I think #3 was the biggest he was also the farthest and never really gave me any other looks than side profile and a flash from the front and back but could get it on film.
  3. BE3208B6-42EF-45A4-8B1D-AAEE5A19D655.jpeg


  4. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    Couple scouting pictures. Hard to get clear pics unless they are close😬😂
  5. 19086A52-FADE-4667-B54C-E4398990F50D.jpeg


  6. 917ACA28-3D77-4986-868F-511A32384CDC.jpeg


  7. 1D40CC2D-85A3-4BBE-AA35-B0364702536C.jpeg


  8. DD8A3C8F-CFEF-4FB9-A5E3-AB5B8978EB3D.jpeg


  9. T

    Lake Shasta and Mt. Shasta

    Them were the days! My grandma used to work on it! Loved going on it when I was about 8😬
  10. T

    Idaho F&G new torture technique

    I think I saw a post on Facebook that F&G said to check the online portal for results not the post cards. But I’d have to go back and try to find it to be sure.
  11. T

    Idaho F&G new torture technique

    It’s all ocer Facebook guys getting post cards saying they drew tags they didn’t even put in for. Guess F&G they said they were going to look into it. Thinking it’s more of a scam/ they got hacked or somthing
  12. T

    Fixed Pin vs Slider?

    I ran a black gold 7 pin slider for a while. Run a 5 pin axcel slider now. Don’t see why you wouldn’t run a slider if you’re already going to be ok with a 5-7 pin fixed. If money isn’t that big of a deal adding the sliding option gets you the extra range if ever needed.
  13. T

    Draw results

    Heck yeah! If you see any big ol bucks let me know😬😂
  14. T

    Draw results

    54 deer October season. See what happens first Idaho deer tag!
  15. T

    Deer Tags

    Got one yesterday. Still waiting on the wifes and another one….
  16. T


    There is a guy in tik tok from Colorado I believe. Rackpack I think was talking about doing it. I believe he did I can look to see if I can find anything.
  17. T

    Why are results so late?

    I mean it is the 21st. They probably have the ability to just push a button😂(I honestly don’t have a clue don’t hate me if you know how it actually works). But I mean they should be able to hold the draw like within the week of the deadline and get results posted everything is online nowadays...
  18. T

    Would this help point creep?

    You loose license fees also for those that decide not to apply. It would be hard to try to figure it out but I’m sure Somone good at math might be able to😂
  19. T

    Would this help point creep?

    I’m not saying do it. I think it’s little crazy but might work. It would definitely make people think about what they are doing. How many guys do you know that would spend 500 plus on say a 30% chance at a tag? I think you would loose a lot of applications in turn making the odds a little...
  20. T

    Would this help point creep?

    Full tag fee for non resident and no refund? So a chance at a tag for 500 plus? Depending on the state…. That will kill a lot of the creep I guess but make a lot of people bitter also😂 Doubt you would get states to approve because of the loss they would take. I’d venture to say even if the...
  21. T

    Would this help point creep?

    Sounds like Wyoming. Plus they add like death and a few other special circumstances that allow returns also.
  22. T

    CA Draw

    I guess…. That’s why I said if everything stayed static like everyone in CA draw just hit repeat in their application. I’m not smart enough to figure it out if the 377 point only guys put in for this or that(also if you have MAX points and your putting in for just another point I don’t wanna...
  23. T

    CA Draw

    Check out the 23 elk stats happened in three different units. I’m going to guess it didn’t happen this year because the next tier of point holders will be more than the point tag quota I didn’t look at sheep. But it literally has to happen somtimes not saying it happens in the same unit every...
  24. T

    CA Draw

    Yup no doubt. I’m not a math guy so I’m not sure how you would figure people changing their minds on units or giving up plays into the very broad example I gave. I was just saying if everything stayed the same for a 12 year old to reach their turn in that one example unit it would take 75 years...
  25. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    Keep after it! Should be getting it in the next 2-3 years then😬
  26. T

    CA Draw

    It’s crazy I know it… I’ve never sat down and done a little math until now little discouraging I’m not very smart but if my math is correct and assuming no one changes their minds and puts in for different units and tags stay the same everything stays static(😂I know fat chance doesn’t account...
  27. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    What unit do you usually put in for??? I would think if you have had max points for a few years you should be catching up to a guaranteed tag! 2023 stats Lassen period 1 had 27 pref point tags 97 1st choice at max of 21 based off that the max point pool that are chasing creep should get...
  28. T

    CA Draw

    Unless the tag has more tags then people with max applying.
  29. T

    Lassen Pronghorn

    I’ll send you a message. More than likely that’s where I’m heading I’ll share what I find once I get to scout a few times!
  30. T

    Which non-typical is the one for you?

    I’m going #2 love dat mass! 1 would have done it I think if he had eye guards and think the front on picture helps make him look appealing 😬 but for real any I would fill with any tag…
  31. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    It was at a CDA banquet, it’s a fundraising tag. Yes it was auctioned I don’t know how much goes to the state and how much went to CDA.
  32. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    I see thanks for the info! I’ll probably stay away from there then!
  33. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    Awesome! Gets me excited hope I can find something good!
  34. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    That’s good to hear! Hoping to get some scouting in maybe if I can find something and get pictures I can post em up see what you guys think
  35. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    Awesome! Thanks for the intel!
  36. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    This will be my second. First was last year in Wyoming. So really don’t know what I’m looking for in a speed goat hoping it calls to me when I see the “one”😬
  37. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    I have been putting in for the tables archery but these last few years changed to lassen. Based off what I’ve been readingb thanks for the info!
  38. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

  39. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    It was going to go to someone😂
  40. T

    Zone 1-6 Antelope

    Hey guys! I’m looking to gather as much info as I can on antelope in CA. I happened to get the fundraising tag for one buck! I’m leaning towards the lassen unit, anyone have any info they would be willing to share on areas and what to expect? I know the pool of knowledge might be small given...
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