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  1. YBO

    Closing Northern California to hunting

    So, have they extended the the forest closure past the 17th of Sept?
  2. YBO

    Smoke in ely?

    I believe HOMER can answer your question.
  3. YBO

    Closing Northern California to hunting

    Buck300, where did you get the updated info. Trying to find it but can't locate. Thank you sir.
  4. YBO


    Sorry Robert! Best to the Bess family!
  5. YBO

    And I thought wolves were magical, mystical, and all powerful

    They (lions) kill the Colts. Google cougar vs horses in Modoc County. Last I heard one particular cougar had mauled 34 of them.
  6. YBO

    And I thought wolves were magical, mystical, and all powerful

    Wild horses are deer worst nightmare. And, a pumas favorite delicacy.
  7. YBO

    Mendocino NF Closed

    Trust me...there is no enforcement going on in Tex County.
  8. YBO

    Mendocino NF Closed

    Can you drive thru Mendocino National Forest to Hunt BLM land?
  9. YBO


    Did you see Barack dancing it up with no mask on last night. Smells hypocritical.
  10. YBO


    Exactly Eel
  11. YBO


    I believe it was a major liberal new media that just announced that it appears Kamala and Michael O are sisters. Any one else hear that. Said something to the effect that a physician and his wife( from Maryland ) are the parents. I dunno
  12. YBO

    Hidden treasure in Utah

    Really 1k and 10k. Chump change. Put a million out there and it will get interesting. Why put the effort to find 1k when uncle Sam will send you a helluva lot more than that for not working RIDICULOUS
  13. YBO


    Stopped by Rays a few years ago after hunting in CO. The owner was waiting on us and asked how the hunting trip went. I had harvested this nice buck that scored nearly 250. My buddy told him we shot a buck over 240. The owner/not said BS. So, my buddy said if the buck is over 240 you owe us...
  14. YBO


    Even though we have dined at Rays several times, I've always wondered how a fresh caught trout out of the Green River would taste like. Or, perhaps a wild turkey on the menu.
  15. YBO

    Non Profit Payrolls

    Hornkillers, I knew you'd respond. Actually, I only give to CDA and would love to donate to that Double DDs foundation. I'm a life member of RMEF and have been since their inception. I lost interest on them when they started spending money like a crank whore about 25 years ago.
  16. YBO

    Non Profit Payrolls

    I donate my change to CDA, MSG and SFW
  17. YBO

    Hey SS - you okay?

    So, I assume SS stands for Super Spreader??
  18. YBO

    Paunsy migration

    Is there collaborating video showing the buck was still in IT. I would of thought the deer would've already danced into AZ at that point and time. Just curious. BTW that fence as saved a ton of deer
  19. YBO

    Paunsy migration

    Do the Pauns deer migrate into AZ? A certain buck that was purportedly poached in Utah this past year, sheds fron the previous year were picked up in AZ...supposedly. thanks
  20. YBO

    Another Grizzly fatality - Montana

    Bear Lives Matter
  21. YBO

    Another Grizzly fatality - Montana

    What if the bear eats SS?
  22. YBO

    YOU SLEEPING IN PleaseDear???

    Might be dirt temp? Hope not. LOL
  23. YBO

    Another Grizzly fatality - Montana

    The best thing from a dead bear is the lard to waterproof your boots. Cougar, coon, rattlesnake, opossum and grasshoppers taste way better than a sweet greasy bear chop.
  24. YBO

    Another Grizzly fatality - Montana

    Well congrats to the MT game DEPT. Boom. Ordeal over. Maybe we should outlaw night vision. Ding dong the wicked Grizz is dead!
  25. YBO

    Northern Maine Woods Moose Shed

  26. YBO


    Maybe Grizz or Founder can enlighten us on that great question. Also, who shot Ashli Babbitt?
  27. YBO

    Score guess

    172 1/8
  28. YBO

    Fundraiser Tax Deductible?

    Deduct it. If they question it, Just tell the IRS or your state tax board that you are a Democrat. More than likely it will sit on someone's desk for 18 months and it just goes away.
  29. YBO

    Yard sale find

    So, is Kirk still alive and kicking? Also, are the 60s genetics in CO any different than today's CO genetics?
  30. YBO

    One post from Lennie.....

    You old dogs are cracking me up
  31. YBO

    Fauci the fraud

    Not according to super spreader Grizzly. He needs to urinate around his wall tent. Me think he has 2 murals in his teepee. One of Obama and one of Fauci
  32. YBO


    Homer do you have the picture of Bite-me with Dr Jill sitting on his lap when Joe was in his thirties and she was 15 years old? She was his babysitter. Please post it.
  33. YBO


    Look at the girth of her lips!
  34. YBO


    Title should be 440 6pack
  35. YBO

    Elk back from taxidermist....

    Backwards? Photoshop? Deer/elk cross?
  36. YBO


    Speaking of MIA, where in the he'll is 264 Mag? Has he been banned forever?
  37. YBO

    Who tried sticking me with a bullet ?

    You got to be kidding me.
  38. YBO

    Tag cuts

    I was recently in the Pine Valley unit, and compared to Kalifornicated that unit has an incredible amount of deer. Of course, the bucks had already cast their headgear for the season, but I saw one group of over 100 deer!! I wonder how many bucks were in the group? Just sayin.
  39. YBO

    Hey Eel and RELH

    Jenner came out yesterday stating that its unfair to female athletes to have a male/trans female compete against females. That's a positive start.
  40. YBO

    Shed Antler Hunting Photo Contest ... Nice Prize!

    Hornkiller, you are da man!!!
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