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  1. BIG

    antler growth 2024

    I understand most of that. I have seen some big deer that have done the opposite of what you said. I have heard plants can be more nutrient dense in drought years. But I am no expert by any means. I have also heard the condition of the mother while she carries her fawn has an impact on the...
  2. BIG

    antler growth 2024

    Yeah I know that some are like fish Farms.
  3. BIG

    antler growth 2024

    I am just curious because people always equate antler growth with a good winter of or wet spring. I get nutrition plays a big part. Last year was odd ball for sure. Seems to me like deer in arid/dry place get some pretty big antlers. Sonoran Deer get some of the biggest racks in one of the...
  4. BIG

    Seeking Wyo points partner.

    Leica post up some of your past bucks on this thread.
  5. BIG

    DWR incompetence…what’s new?

    I got the same emails. I guess if you want to get worked up about an automated email that went out go for it. It wasn’t that hard to understand what the intent was, even if there was a glitch in some dates.
  6. BIG

    DWR incompetence…what’s new?

    Pretty sure it was a reminder and anybody with common sense could understand it was an error. It got corrected pretty quick.
  7. BIG

    Utah’s FINALLY feeling the heat.

    id sure love to see a bigger investment in migration corridors with some road crossing's. I think road kill is a huge problem and is a controllable. It was nice they built one in parleys, but we should have those all over the place. It was frustrating to see some of these deer up north...
  8. BIG

    Archery report

    Just sent you a PM
  9. BIG

    Archery report

    it was over a decade. Muzzy buck
  10. BIG

    Archery report

    I recognize that spot. My buddies killed a 31" 190 not too far from there one year.
  11. BIG

    Hey accidently drew the Nebo limited entry late archery… any of you trolls

    This thread has been pretty good so far. Thanks Fellas.
  12. BIG

    % of Collared Deer Alive

    Not sure what that means
  13. BIG


    I will say this about Utah. Nobody has a clue how to use the left lane. They just sit there not letting anybody get past. Nothing is worse than driving from St G back to Salt Lake on a Sunday. People also seem to have no clue how to zipper merge properly.
  14. BIG

    % of Collared Deer Alive

    I wonder why he never just moves to Evanston or something.
  15. BIG

    Cow Moose

    I had the Northslope cow tag a few years ago. It was fun hunt for my kids to go along with me on. The meat was really good. I got the hide done with hair on and hangs on my garage wall. Not sure you always need unique antlers as a reason to hunt something.
  16. BIG

    2023 Cc hits post.

    I am sure you do on a regular occasion, right after you have drank a few bud lights. Keep gaslighting bud.
  17. BIG

    2023 Cc hits post.

    yeah you are pretty anecdotal yourself bud
  18. BIG

    2023 Cc hits post.

    Prove it happened. I have hunted the Utah Spike Hunt, Four point or better for deer in Wyoming, Colorado elk with point restrictions and I have yet to come across a ground checked animal. I don't care if you like it as a management tool or not, but it seems to get used without much of a...
  19. BIG

    2023 Cc hits post.

    The mythical dead two point story that always comes up
  20. BIG

    Watch or attend the May 4 Wildlife Board meeting

    I have always wondered if he was into something with this article
  21. BIG


    Thanks for the freedom lesson, but you missed my point. Having a bunch of hunters get out of your way by shooting small bucks sounds like addition by subtraction to me. It doesn't matter anyway because Utah will likely never do a point restriction on the general. Don't worry I am not...
  22. BIG


    I guess maybe that not all elk restrictions are spike only. Sounds like the guys you know killed elk bigger than spikes.
  23. BIG


    Have you ever hunted elk in Colorado?
  24. BIG


    Most people would rather shoot a four point than a two point
  25. BIG


    Its funny how we can have a spike elk hunt and it seems to work okay. I am sure a few bulls with extra points get killed every year but for the most part hunters can manage. But when we talk about 4 point antler restrictions for deer and everybody acts like every deer will get ground checked...
  26. BIG

    Antelope winterkill

    DWR is harder on antelope than any winterkill. Parker Mountain used to be a fun hunt.
  27. BIG

    Free hunt for a youth dealing with Leukemia

    My nine year old son went through it. He got diagnosed when he was 2. Pretty rough stuff. Like monstermuleyhunter said, thank goodness for great doctors and modern meds.
  28. BIG

    1/3 of a Thousand Poached Big Game Animals in Utah in 2022- Wow.....

    This number doesn't include the expo tags that SFW poached either.
  29. BIG

    Ammo Shortages

    Are there any trustworthy websites to order from? I haven’t seen 28 Nosler for a couple years. I can’t even find 6.8 Western anymore.
  30. BIG

    How wide is the question. ???

  31. BIG

    Utahans sure are in a hurry!!!

    I also sometimes refer to bison as Buffalo and pronghorn as antelope. I have even called an antler a horn. I live on the edge.
  32. BIG

    Utahans sure are in a hurry!!!

    Ok bud, good talk
  33. BIG

    Utahans sure are in a hurry!!!

    Fast lane or passing lane, tomaeto tomato same difference. All I know is people don’t treat it that way.
  34. BIG

    Utahans sure are in a hurry!!!

    Seems like I struggle to get going fast enough because clowns are always in the fast lane clogging traffic.
  35. BIG

    dying with points

    I wonder if anybody ever splits points with a deceased relative. Maybe somebody is still buying points for Gramps to split. No different than some Biden voters.
  36. BIG

    Manti outfitters?

    I would recommend Apex. I hunted the late hunt with them last year and they were fantastic. They were worth every penny. They know that mountain and can out spot anybody I have ever hunted with.
  37. BIG

    Gross score this buck

  38. BIG

    Legal “spike” elk?

    If that horn is separate than i would say its legal. The law doesn't define a third antler. I think with it being ambiguous it would be hard for the state to win if they gave you a ticket.
  39. BIG

    WIN a Daypack! Easy to Enter!

    I want that pack
  40. BIG

    "Where's Wal'deer'? "

    Big white face in the middle
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