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    Hunt Expo in Salt lake

    LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-18 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]I'll stop by tomorrow. Never pass up a chance to throw away $500 and see more boot cut true religion jeans, sparkly affliction shirts, white Oakleys, and flat brim hats than you can see assembled at any one time in any one place.
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    Hunting / Filming / TV / Online Episodes

    Sounds super interesting, I love it when people think outside the box. I'd love to talk about this with you sometime. My wife and I have a TV show on HGTV and we have several digital series about to be released and are also working on something big with YouTube and possibly another awesome...
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    Cards are being hit!!!

    >I'm assuming at least one of >you guys uses Wells Fargo >,...... so I'm just not >lucky this year. Wells Fargo here. I had two gen deer charges last night and nothing since. Still hoping for a couple more.........
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    Cards are being hit!!!

    Just got another $40 gen deer hit, one more to go! A few LE and OIL tags wouldn't hurt either.
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    Cards are being hit!!!

    One deer charge out of three of us that put in.........hopefully it's for my 13 year old.
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    Cc hits

    >You must not have looked at >draw odds? >Because that hunt only takes 3 >points to draw. Haha, nope. I comb through the big game odds but I'm new to bear. That's what I get for trusting second hand info :) either way, I'm pumped! ------------------------------------------ -----
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    Cc hits

    I thought I had no chance so I didn't check the card or even open the email until tonight....... Drew La Sal fall spot and stalk with 3 points!
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    Hey! Back with a hunt vid from last fall!

    hey guys! I haven't been able to post here for the last two years, haha. My wife and I got a show on HGTV and part of our initial contract really limited our digital posting. The show is airing and we are now free to post so here is a video I made last fall. My brother and his wife both drew LE...
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    Frankenbuck! ( Mule Delk)

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-13 AT 01:02PM (MST)[p]Figured Halloween was a good time to post this freak. This animal was killed in the 1930's near Kamas on the deer hunt. The hunter thought is was a deer/elk mix. It has a mule deer frame and the mass and brow tines of an elk. This picture is on my desk...
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    Just got my best buck ever (pic)

    Video of the hunt: ------------------------------------------ -----
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    Just got my best buck ever (pic)

    I said best, not biggest, this is actually my smallest buck and first with a centerfire. This is however, the first buck I've taken while my boys and wife were with me. Their excitement made this more fun than any other buck I have ever taken. I seem to kill a deer once every five years or so...
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    Dads (markhunts) Wyoming archery bull! "Stacks"

    I probably have the coolest father in law ever......nice job Mark. ------------------------------------------ -----
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    >That your New Wife? > >Or did you Smooth things out? > > >Nice Job! > > > > >This Story happens alot it's True! > >But Ya Best Hope it don't >ever happen to you! > Bobcat, we got married June first. She is great. Next time you're in utah county come by for dinner and she can give you...
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    My wife and I were at a family reunion at FL this weekend and decided to rent a little boat for the afternoon and give the fishing a try. She was using a trolling setup with lead core line and I had a spinning setup with six pound test line. The goal was to catch a lake trout. We trolled the...
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    If you have a tiny one post it up!

    Not sure I like the title of this thread, but here's a set I found under a juniper....made me laugh. ------------------------------------------ -----
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    Outdoor brick pizza oven?

    LAST EDITED ON May-03-13 AT 12:50PM (MST)[p]I am restoring a house in AF, Utah and am thinking about installing an outdoor brick pizza oven out back....Anyone have any experience with these? I might consider doing it myself but would probably go crazy before I got to cook anything. I can't find...
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    If a tree falls on an elk in the forest . . . ?

    Who knows about the poaching...but both parties were wrong to disturb the antlers. The section below is from the state Guidebook. The outfitter should have known better....I say no way will they get the antlers back nor should they after ruining any possible evidence and taking the antlers to...
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    summer 1988 bulls

    My dad took these pictures in 1988 on a family trip we took to Yellowstone. This was right as the fires were getting going and we were headed out ASAP.... Makes me excited for summer! ------------------------------------------ -----
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    San Juan Guide needed

    I've never hunted the SJ, but Todd was kind enough to give me free advice on a neighboring unit..... Do check out the BTO youtube channel, it is my favorite one out there!! -----------------------------------------------
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    Your Dream Buck?

    These bucks hung in the basement of my friend's grandpa when I was a teenager. I used to look at them and dream of seeing one of these during the season in the field. The typical had non-typical points sawed off because they "looked ugly", and the non-typical had a point fixed with elk...
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    Show us your picture

    Here's my ugly mug...I would post a workout shot but I don't want stinky and slammy getting jealous.... -----------------------------------------------
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    Utah Constitutional Carry Bill

    .....and VETO..... -----------------------------------------------
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    Mountain Bikers are NUTS!

    Almost as crazy as wingsuit guys... -----------------------------------------------
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    Muzzy Pics!

    Dad's 2011 muzzy bull. Knight Wolverine .54 cal Video of my dad's shot....yes, I'm a shakey cameraman/caller -----------------------------------------------
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    Own your words

    I get what you are saying. I came across a little harsh.... I don't see how putting your name makes you accountable since nobody is going to do anything about it like they would in person. I can lie and can call anyone any name in the book online, even if I post my name and there is no...
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    Own your words

    Nobody cares who you are. I don't see why it matters. We are ALL hiding behind a computer screen, even if you post your real name. What's next, you are a coward unless you physically meet and fight everyone you disagree with on here? What a joke. I used to have my profile listed until I got...
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    Droid or Iphone

    I assume you mean an "android" operating system and not an actual "Droid" phone? The two are not the same thing. I have six or seven "android" phones (including the latest Motorola "Droid") and I have also carried the iPhone 4 and currently have an iPhone 4S and an HTC One(android) There are...
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    Thanks guys! I have been in contact with several guides , including some mentioned here, and they all provide the airport pickup service. The one I am leaning towards picks up in Port Elizabeth. I am really excited for this first trip and appreciate the tips. I will shoot some PMs off to some...
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    2012 bull story w/pics

    RE: 2012 bull story w/pics Way to go double - O ! Great story and pics. Good to see you still hanging out around here. -----------------------------------------------
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    Hey guys, I am looking at doing my first Africa trip in 2014. I know that there are many factors that play into the choice of location for a hunt (cost, species, ease of travel, etc), but how much does safety play into it? I'm not talking safety from lions and buffalo, but more like the robbery...
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    I'll be there Saturday for a while, It's always good to run into some MMers. Can I buy a ticket to watch you kick some arse bess? haha. See you there! -----------------------------------------------
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    Share Trophy Mount.....WIN!!

    Done by Curtis at Monarch Mountain Taxidermy; -----------------------------------------------
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    Saturday! -----------------------------------------------
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    Just checking in....

    How goes it, MM friendos? I just decided to pop in for a quick check in.....early in the fall I deleted my facebook account, stopped posting on forums, and pretty much disappeared. A couple of friends have recently let me know they were wondering what the heck was going on so I thought I'd post...
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    Pictures of 280 to 350 bulls?

    Here are some bookends for that range....... -----------------------------------------------
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    Displaying a Euro Mount

    Here is how I did mine for now; and when I have more room; -----------------------------------------------
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    I found a GIANT bull on the pahvaunt!

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-12 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p] Probably not the same bull, but pretty similar given your description....minis the fifths....
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    2012 archery mule deer

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Like others said, it's great to see your bucks year after year. -----------------------------------------------
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    FOUNDER!!!! We need a new section please, a kids section!!

    Good idea. -----------------------------------------------
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    Finally worked out!

    Great Job man! Candis told me you shot a nice 3pt. Very cool! love those desert deer. -----------------------------------------------
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