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  1. BUGLEnmIN

    Which non-typical is the one for you?

    #5 💯
  2. BUGLEnmIN

    WTB New Mexico Landowner Tag

    No sir different guy. Send him mRks
  3. BUGLEnmIN

    OTC Barbary sheep quest

    All sheep in OTC units have since then been removed 🤣
  4. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    I’ll confirm you’re there before I go brother! I might get a little carried away just a heads up 🤣
  5. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    The only bow over the years I haven’t been able to let go is my Faktor Turbo. It always seems to be my go to. I love that Z5 cam! She’s fast and not trying to jump out of my hand. No vibration compared to its more expensive counter part the carbon Spyder Turbo. She’s easy on the eyes too 😍
  6. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    I’ll definitely take you up on this brother! I wanna chrono the Z1 next to mine. Just sold the RX2 . I’ll shoot the lift but you can’t tell any of our friends I touched a Matthew’s 🤣🤣
  7. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    It’ll be hunky dory by then my friend! Take it from a guy who has had a fire in his unit every year . I just pray the peoples houses are not affected.
  8. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    I 3300 acres this morning. Correct me if I’m wrong but looks like it’s burning over the old burn? God willing it steers clear of homes. That old burn could use a clean up as long as it doesn’t spread to neighborhoods.
  9. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    What kinda 4x4 we talkin 😉🤣
  10. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    😬😬 You outta ride her! She’ll spin holes in the ground!! Can rope the heel side on her too!
  11. BUGLEnmIN

    7 day wait

    It’s the agenda my friend! They’re accomplishing exactly what they’ve intended to for 100 years . This woman speaks the truth to the world! I know most of us don’t have time to watch this, but we’ll damn sure go home and binge watch Netflix. The caption on the page will give y’all the jest !
  12. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    Rio. Pm me what you drew
  13. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    I just saw this! I’ll definitely go shoot this bow! It looks and sounds amazing!
  14. BUGLEnmIN

    Latest and greatest

    Come on Rio!!! It’s only 2000 bucks for a premium bow that isn’t even set up to shoot 🤣🤣
  15. BUGLEnmIN

    Any NM MMers Draw Rocky or Desert Sheep Tags

    Holy smokes!!
  16. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    The only way to go 😉
  17. BUGLEnmIN

    7 day wait

    Still nothing will happen..
  18. BUGLEnmIN

    Fire watch

    16b burns every damn year!!! 🤬 That place is scorched earth !
  19. BUGLEnmIN

    Unit 37 ML Deer First Timer

    There’s the little pecker head! Oh yeah 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
  20. BUGLEnmIN

    .270 130 gr. Sciroccos - Good elk medicine?

    My wife has a nice .270 set up . We only shoot bonded copper bullets from federal premium. Since the trophy bonded bear claw id wager they’re top of the line in terminal performance. Idk much about the bullets the OP is referencing but I will say a .270 is plenty with the right trajectory!
  21. BUGLEnmIN

    7 day wait

    Just have it shipped to El Paso next time !
  22. BUGLEnmIN

    7 day wait

    Yes it is!
  23. BUGLEnmIN

    Lets See your Best Elk to date

    Sent u one
  24. BUGLEnmIN

    7 day wait

    I wanted that rifle so bad but had to spend lotta money for a new combo unit for my house! You lucky dog !
  25. BUGLEnmIN

    7 day wait

    Which rifle did you buy ?
  26. BUGLEnmIN

    7 day wait

    We’re way passed legislation and law suits my good man. Evil can not be legislated! Until we as men have the courage that the men who built this country had we will continue to have our rights chiseled away. The current government is EXACTLY why 2A was implemented in the constitution!
  27. BUGLEnmIN

    23 and you?

    Nice to see people get it 🙌🏻🙌🏻👍🏽
  28. BUGLEnmIN

    23 and you?

    This is true! 🤣
  29. BUGLEnmIN

    23 and you?

    The Dutch are coming! I’m not saying you’re wrong brother! Me personally I do not believe anything allowed to circulate on those websites. Again not saying you’re wrong.
  30. BUGLEnmIN

    23 and you?

    Where’d you pull this info from? Google? Wikipedia? The real question is when is Founder going Zuckerberg his way in and move this to sportsman’s political talk 🤣🤣🤣
  31. BUGLEnmIN

    23 and you?

    Election wasn’t stolen? Dead people didn’t vote? Ballot boxes weren’t stuffed? Ballot drops weren’t made at 3 a.m. ? Anyone who believes in the voting system in place in this country at this point is completely oblivious to the real situation here! GTFO Here! The 5 million military age men who...
  32. BUGLEnmIN

    23 and you?

    Indeed it is!
  33. BUGLEnmIN

    23 and you?

    The libs were all for tic toc when republican senators wanted to ban it in the beginning due to the subscribers info being directly sent to CCP . Now that tic toc shares more real news than MSM and doesn’t censor near as much as Zuckerberg or label the truth as misinformation, ITS A PROBLEM...
  34. BUGLEnmIN

    Trophy Bucks on the Wall - Pack Giveaway

    84 yards my friend!
  35. BUGLEnmIN

    Trophy Bucks on the Wall - Pack Giveaway

    212 6/8 gross partner!
  36. BUGLEnmIN

    Any NM MMers Draw Rocky or Desert Sheep Tags

    Yessir! They’re not very skiddish
  37. BUGLEnmIN

    Any NM MMers Draw Rocky or Desert Sheep Tags

    Thanks brother!
  38. BUGLEnmIN

    Any NM MMers Draw Rocky or Desert Sheep Tags

    Gosh DAMN!!!! That’s a hell of lucky streak!!!!here’s a nice ram we could have through a rock and hit off the horse!
  39. IMG_6759.jpeg


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