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  1. M

    71 711 2nd season success

    I have a 4th season tag. Scouting trip last weekend pretty dry. No snow in forecast through the 18th. I have hunted the unit a few times, but not on late-season. I went once when a friend had the tag in early november, with snow and deer everywhere, and a 194 on the ground. I am heading out...
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    Pauns Rifle Deer

    I grew up living on the unit. Not all deer migrate. Flip side there are resident deer that never leave the desert. So even if the deer jump off, that does not mean you couldn't kill a toad closer to SR 12. I have seen nice bucks in JUl-AUG in the south, and have seen book bucks in a foot of snow...
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    LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-19 AT 09:49PM (MST)[p]I have 18 elk and 12 deer points in Colorado, Scouted 53 last year,not sure I have enough points as the unit is surging.
  4. M

    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk

    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk Could you resend you PM comments to [email protected]. Thanks for some reason I couldnt read it.
  5. M

    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk

    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk Hello, I was unable to read your PM. Please resend to [email protected] Thanks
  6. M

    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk

    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk no,I just basically was looking at the country. access, etc. seeing if bringing our horses is a plus. I had a friend hunt with his son last year. I live in sevier county so it was a trek.
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    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk

    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk He can hunt any open bull area, he just gets to hunt a week before the general hunt. We have scouted the flaming gorge area, and the oak creek unit. Thanks
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    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk

    RE: Utah Youth Bull Elk I have a 13 year old with a Utah youth big bull elk tag. We have already covered alot of ground scouting areas. 600 miles last weekend. I would appreciate any PM advice. I live in the central part of the state. Thanks
  9. M

    Utah Youth Bull Elk

    PM me I have a question on the youth hunt. I have a 12 year old who plays football, and will have 4 days to hunt. I coverered 500 miles plus this weekend looking at land. thanks
  10. M

    Paunsaugunt Rifle Tag 2017 - Please Advise

    I lived for years on the unit, and its a good one, but with your points, the Henry mountain unit is better
  11. M

    Pine Valley Utah general season

    RE: Pine Valley Utah general Thanks for the well wishes. And you are right, he is 12 and creating a memory deer or not is worth it. I have been blessed to kill (2) 190 class deer in my life, and nobody scouts an area harder than I do. I was not asking for anyone's honey hole. I spent last...
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    Pine Valley Utah general season

    His parents separated 2 weeks ago, and it was kind of dumped in my lap at the last minute. Your a real class act!
  13. M

    Pine Valley Utah general season

    My grandson drew a pine valley general deer tag. I would appreciate any tips for a spot we could kill a nice buck. I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
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