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  1. pymulies

    SOLD Leica geovid HD-B 2200

    what woodruffhunter said py
  2. pymulies

    antelope unit 75

    I covered about 100 miles in the oil fields yesterday. Nothing good to report. One decent buck and maybe 25 seen all day.
  3. pymulies

    antelope unit 75

    I'll be out there in the next couple of weeks..... py
  4. pymulies

    Wyoming Region W Deer

    It never came back. I grew up down there and have hunted there since I was 14. There is nothing like what was around prior to 2008. The Game and Fish can pat themselves on the back for the two 180" buck that were killed last year all the want to, but its nothing like it was. The amount of dead...
  5. pymulies

    Shed Seekers

    You can't pick up sheds on the refuge or the park, all of the rush is to cross the park and refuge to get to the forest service.
  6. pymulies

    Which spread measurement?

    Inside of the mainbeam
  7. pymulies

    New Res will have Negative Impact on Big Game

    The location shown on the article is accurate, but it is well above any private land. I did a quick google earth exercise and it was 7 miles from the dam to the upper end of private property. It is pretty far up the drainage, and I do agree that it is very good habitat, it is well above the...
  8. pymulies

    New Res will have Negative Impact on Big Game

    While there are some drawbacks to the reservoir, and I'm not arguing for or against it at this time. There are some holes in that story and a few of the points. First of all while there are CRCT, the population is less than viable. 45 years ago, they tried doing a ton of work to reset that...
  9. pymulies

    Saratoga/Encampment/Platte Valley

    It is just as bad as the baggs to rock springs side.
  10. pymulies

    Wyoming Confusion

    It doesn't matter to me how old it is. If he is looking at it for information, I'm ok helping him out. Hate to see someone waste points on units that are crap. py
  11. pymulies

    Wyoming Confusion

    118 doesn't have good access. the checkerboard is hard to navigate and not trespass. 24 isn't worth max points 22 isn't worth max points 111 is overrated IMO, but there are some nice bulls Like said above 124 is fun and good bulls py
  12. pymulies

    108 elk

    What chester said py
  13. pymulies

    Unit 24 Green Mountain campground info

    No potable water. Best bet is fill up in Casper, Rawlins or Jeffery City py
  14. pymulies

    How rare is this?

    Some from days past py
  15. Everything 009.jpg

    Everything 009.jpg

  16. locked.bulls.jpg


  17. pymulies

    WY Elk Unit Paper Map

    You can probably talk to the local office of the land management organization that would cover most of the area (BLM or Forest Service) ask them if they could make you a map. Usually are about $20 and you can have them layer the GIS for Fences, water, roads, surface ownership, topo, their water...
  18. pymulies

    Results coming soon?

    Pulled a 50 something goat tag with my nephew and father and a crane tag, struck out on deer and elk. General here I come. py
  19. pymulies

    Region W help

    82 doesn't have a late tag anymore. 180" isn't a reality in that unit anymore. Yes a few may still be taken, but if you see a solid 165 you better make the best of it. May be the only buck over 120" you see all season. Sadly used to be one of the best general tags in the state. Now, its just a...
  20. pymulies

    Unit 53 antelope successful

    There are always a few decent bucks. There are very few bucks that will get to 15.5". Height isn't the name of the game in that unit. Plan on traveling through a lot of country and enjoy looking. There are plenty of goats, just have fun and find one that your son likes.
  21. pymulies

    Pronghorn Unit 91 or 95?

    Moisture isn't much different in either right now. Last report I saw said 77% of normal in both areas. Hold tight for another 10 days and see if it changes. But I'm gonna say flip a coin and it will depend on your lodging requirements. py
  22. pymulies

    Stupid question

    Do it, I did with my grandfather's 30-30 a few years ago. Then cleaned it an put it back in the safe for my boy when he gets old enough. py
  23. pymulies

    Antelope unit 64 (best time to hunt it)

    Last couple of weeks can be risky, snow can be an issue as is the migration and all around wariness associated with multiple groups hunting in the area. If you look at the season breakdowns/numbers: 300 Elk Tags from 10-1 thru 10-31 General Deer from 10-15 thru 10-20 Plus the other 224 Antelope...
  24. pymulies

    57 antelope

    Not a bad one, but a worse moisture. py
  25. pymulies

    Results tomorrow

    Drew Antelope Buck, Additional Cow, Buck Deer, 2 Additional Doe Deer everything but LQ Elk, but still get a GEN. py
  26. pymulies

    Results tomorrow

    Not quite D but he was close
  27. pymulies

    Wyoming antelope hunt

    PM sent py
  28. pymulies

    Wyoming antelope hunt

    Splitting 7 points or 7 points each? py
  29. pymulies


    Congrats.....Nothing for me py
  30. pymulies

    Need help, pick a pronghorn unit

    Personally, I would rank them: 1. 92 2. 101 and 53,95 as equal py
  31. pymulies

    Wy Antelope units 114, 58, 62, 67

    I don't know 114 at all but I'd say 62 py
  32. pymulies

    Wy unit 57 or 67?

    Most of 57 is having a normal winter. I don't think this storm even put 2" across the unit. 67 has had almost no snow all winter and they didn't get that much out of this last one as the unit is concerned. The rim got snow, but the antelope don't usually stick on the rim during the winter. py
  33. pymulies

    8.6 antelope preference points

    PM Sent
  34. pymulies

    Wyoming unit like the book cliffs???

    84 is pretty checkerboarded.....hard to find deer that you have access to. Don't have to go with an outfitter, but they have most of the deer habitat in their favor.. 80 and 81 have a lot more public ground to hunt. py
  35. pymulies

    Mule deer outfitters
  36. pymulies

    Antelope unit 57 and 64 water hole access

    I've hunted both and it wouldn't be hard on either. 57 has less water as a unit but there is water spread throughout it. 64 has more water in the north part of the unit as a whole. There are some big lakes in the south part of the unit but overall it is dryer in the south of 64.
  37. pymulies

    General bull 2020

    I killed this bull in the exact same place 2018
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  39. pymulies

    General bull 2020

    Here’s the bull I took opening morning in WY. My son (3 yrs) stayed at camp because of the hike and being cold, but I went back afterwards and brought him up. PY
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