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  1. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    I can't figure out how to start a new post, so I will just add to this one. We bowhunted 3A/3C. We saw a lot of deer. The older bucks were as skittish as the last week of a rifle season. We reported three guys to the warden. I can't share details as we may be called as witnesses. If the...
  2. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    We're going DIY. My son and my bowhunting trips together are the one time each year that I have my son alone and get to hear what is happening in his life.
  3. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    I haven't gotten an email from AZ G&F yet, but my dashboard now indicates that we drew 3A/3C archery deer tags.
  4. B

    2024 Draw is Open

  5. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    My credit card got charged for Arizona deer tags today.
  6. B

    Would this help point creep?

    I don't know if the points schemes will ever end. In one of the non-Western states I am building points in, the state has made points inheritable. That's a great way to keep getting money floating in from hunters well beyond their years to hunt anymore.
  7. B

    Would this help point creep?

    Thank you just_a_hunter for bringing up the issue. I think the point systems are an impediment to getting youth involved in hunting. I don't have any workable suggestions though. Maybe someone else on here will have a good idea to post if they discover this thread.
  8. B


    I'm a grandpa. We had a great three-day weekend with family. My wife and I are now worn out, but it was great. It's hard to believe that we used to be able to keep up with our kids when they were little.
  9. B

    Utah doubled Non Res Hunt License

    Can somebody post a link to the price hike announcement? I haven't been able to find it. That said, I have a Utah lifetime license and haven't used it for 30+ years, because the general season mule deer hunting there hasn't been worth my time.
  10. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    I'm going to show my age with this post. Back before there was such a thing as the internet, I networked with other hunters to find the best units. That involved going to hunter conventions, talking with people, and making new friends. Nowadays, guys just buy a magazine that lays it all out...
  11. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    If we don't draw 3A/3C archery deer tags this year, and if the tag quota remains the same, it will take 20 or more nonresident points to draw 3A/3C archery deer tags next year in the max points drawing. If we do draw, according to one of the guys who personal messaged me and who is waiting in...
  12. B

    Bratwurst making

    One other thing I noticed when I ate brats in Sheboygan is that the chef used "Sheboygan Hard Rolls" rather than what grocery stores call "Brat Buns". Unlike grocery store buns, the rolls added a lot of flavor. The cook laid the buns on a grill toward the end to warm them up and brown them...
  13. B

    Bratwurst making

    I don't know, but perhaps if you call Miesfeld's in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, they can point you in the right direction. Last time I was in there, they were selling 27 varieties of brats. They have helped Sheboygan win the "Bratwurst Capital of the World" title over the years.
  14. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    Thanks guys. We'll be totally happy with 3A/3C tags if we draw them.
  15. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    I don't know. It looks like the number of points needed in the nonresident max point draw keeps going up every year.
  16. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    We actually put in for 13B as our first choice, but barring some miracle, we have no chance of drawing that one. 3A/3C is our second choice. It is my understanding that both the first and second choices count, but if I got that wrong, I'd like to find that out.
  17. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    My apologies. I'm new on here. We are nonresidents with 19 points each.
  18. B

    2024 Draw is Open

    My son and I put in for 3A/3C archery deer tags. We have 19 points. Hopefully we will draw.
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