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  1. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    Someone else had to go out to gut the moose! He never touched it! Don’t believe the lies from the cheater! He never stated he touched the moose in his insider video! GPS also debunks his claim! It gets distributed to the needy people!
  2. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    The main pack are separating themselves from him! He may win, but it will be at his own downfall! Because he cheated! They don’t want to be anywhere near him! Or with the downfall that will come! That’s the truth!
  3. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    It surely doesn’t say anything about ignoring the rules and allowing a judge to give a 2hr penalty!
  4. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    I’ve read it! What does it say about killing an animal!?
  5. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    What are you getting at? Or from?
  6. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    It’s hard to tell if women or not these days!
  7. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    Kicked in the junk!
  8. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    I Is this forum something your active in and would recommend?
  9. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    What forum do you talk about?
  10. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    It’s the judge that allows a penalty for breaking the rules! That judge should be kicked in the nuts! He ruined the race!
  11. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    No, the rule is to gut the kill! He ignored that rule, and an official gave him a 2 hr penalty! The 2 hr penal was not the rule! So he broke the rule to begin with, so he should be disqualified! What’s so hard to understand?
  12. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    What peta forum am I supposed to go back to if I want him to take care of the animal he killed? It’s the right thing to do and it’s in the rules to do so! you know 2hrs isn’t enough! It sets a precedent for any future musher to kill a moose and just leave it there without taking care of it...
  13. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

  14. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    So tell me this, did he actually try to gut the moose but couldn’t do a good job as the media says, or did he leave it and go a few miles down the trail to take a 3 hr ready?
  15. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    Absolutely not! I’m in first place on the knowledge! You should get on board!
  16. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    Who came out with the junk with sass and Burke a week before the race with no charges filed?
  17. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    I don’t follow baseketball! Who got paid?
  18. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    The 2hr penalty is not the issue! The issue is that the rules state that he is supposed to gut the moose if he kills it! Plain and simple! One cannot change the rules in the middle of the game/race!
  19. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    Rules are rules and should be abided by!
  20. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    He left the moose there to rot or for someone else to take care of! Unacceptable in my mind!
  21. Whitemoose

    You gotta gut the moose

    He never tried to gut the moose! He cheated! Check his video about it to the insider! He knows better! He’s a veteran that should know the rules and abide by them!
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