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  1. Gmumm970

    Colorado 3rd season Deer

    Lots of smaller deer hard to find 170+ deer
  2. Gmumm970

    Thoughts: San Juan vs. Vernon

    Abajos yesterday, elk ridge is another story that would be a fun hunt.
  3. Gmumm970

    Thoughts: San Juan vs. Vernon

    I live 1.5 hours away I was up there yesterday
  4. Gmumm970

    For Sale Swaro EL 12x50 gen 2 2000$ OBO

    Just picked up some NLs
  5. Gmumm970

    For Sale Swaro EL 12x50 gen 2 2000$ OBO

  6. Gmumm970

    Widest Buck You've Ever Seen? And Taken?

    2023 UT general
  7. IMG_2767.jpeg


  8. Gmumm970

    Colorado Unit 70 Mule Deer

    70 is down and there is a lot of pressure
  9. Gmumm970

    Colorado units 30, 40 and 70

    70 gets hit hard people everywhere
  10. Gmumm970

    San Juan deer - Muzzy or Rifle

    Muzzy it’s not close hard to find big deer as soon as rifle starts
  11. Gmumm970

    Western WY deer 2024 hunt??

    I’ll be in H this year hopefully I can turn something up. I heard the country is amazing and worth the trip.
  12. Gmumm970

    Thoughts: San Juan vs. Vernon

    Finding a big deer on the SJ is tough killing one even tougher
  13. Gmumm970

    For Sale Swaro EL 12x50 gen 2 2000$ OBO

    Great condition only thing to report is little scuff on the bottom of objective rubber. Comes with AGC harness
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