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Search results

  1. D

    Muzzleloader 1X vs All-Scope-Ban?

    I don't get the obsession in UT with banning magnifying muzz scopes??? It's hard to know exactly how much scopes impacted success rates for general deer hunting because they can vary so much year to year. One good way to do it is to look at the difference between rifle success rates and muzz...
  2. D

    For the tag cutters

    I’ll bite, genuinely curious now - who exactly is his mentor? Anis? Jim Karpowitz? Justin Shannon? Covy Jones? Was it someone from USU? Is USU good and BYU bad on deer management or something? Lots of mysteries here…
  3. D


    The cool thing is that you can implement whatever kind of point restriction you want on yourself when you have a tag! If I’m hunting, I can implement my own personal “4 point or better.” When I’m doing that, I love it that a bunch of other hunters will shoot a yearling and go home and leave 4...
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