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  1. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    In the 15 years I have ran cameras I have yet to kill a deer I have found with a camera. I have chased alot of big deer I have found on camera but couldnt kill them so I would love for you to show me how its done
  2. D

    Utah Trail Cam Season Question

    one thing with this vote that alot of people dont realize is as of right now you can still use them for non hunting purposes,. however kevin albrecht and others in the division have been talking with legislatures to get this passed at the state level for and all out no cameras on public property...
  3. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    sure what have ya got?
  4. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    Kevin also agreed with me that banning cameras will not help our deer herds he said it is a social issue.
  5. D

    Utah Wildlife Board meets tomorrow (March 10) for trail camera hearing

    thats alot different than saying banned on public ground isnt it, I am in favor of regulating transmitting cameras but internal storage is going to far
  6. D

    Utah Wildlife Board meets tomorrow (March 10) for trail camera hearing

    I would like to see you use the same logic with every other group who uses our public ground. you can only ride atvs january through july or tell someone with horses the same thing. sounds pretty selfish to me.
  7. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    On a phone call I had with Kevin Albrecht words strait from his mouth told me that him and members of the board are already in talks with legislation to get this passed at the state level for an all out ban between the end of July to January. This means that no cameras can be used on public...
  8. D

    Utah Wildlife Board meets tomorrow (March 10) for trail camera hearing

    trail cameras are a tool no different than a horse, atv, truck, optics, or anything else that aids in take. the question I have is where do we draw the line and why should it be ok for the group of guys that like to pack into the backcountry on mules or any other group to have more right to...
  9. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    and saying I cant hunt without them is laughable. I have run cameras for almost 15 years and I have yet to kill an animal that I found with a camera. I have only killed one deer in utah in the last 4 years because I have passed up deer I would have shot if I had not known about a bigger deer in...
  10. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    I hunted the pine valley unit in 18 and I know what you mean by tons of cameras on waterholes. This was a good indication to me that pressure in these areas was going to be really high so I went elsewhere. I did go back to these areas during the hunt and just as I figured it was pretty crowded...
  11. D

    Bill limiting use of guides/outfitters

    Im not sure on this but would paying for their fuel or food count as payment? If I understand this correctly any compensation over 25 dollars worth is considered payment. Also the bill doesnt limit the number of guides just paid guides? Alot of the pics you see with multiple guides most of them...
  12. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    No I am a guy that runs cameras as a hobby with my wife and kids. The reason I am here is because my hobby is being attacked by people who feel they are the moral authority. How is me running cameras as a hobby different from people who ride horses or atvs as a hobby. Everyone enjoys our public...
  13. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    Trail cameras are a great tool to spread out pressure. I use cameras to find deer in low density areas away from the crowds. If cameras are gone you will see pressure increase in areas that are easier to glass and will probably cause more hunter conflict.
  14. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    you can legally fly a helicopter and spotlight 48 hours before the hunt. So your saying its better to allow big money to fly right before the hunt starts but the average guy has to have cameras pulled end of july. in most cases months before his hunt starts. I would agree that transmitting...
  15. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    another thing I dont understand is why are we giving out tags and then trying to keep people from filling that tag. If to many animals are being killed limit tags.
  16. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    spend it in gas or spend it on a guide. most people who have a almost once in a lifetime tag will spend it either way. I would rather see them spend it on the experience and have the best chance a filling their tag
  17. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    For now, when the cameras are gone and the deer herds are still getting worse what is next on the list? Horses or mules give an advantage lets put a date on riding them. Atvs and utvs are a tool that aid in the take of big game lets get rid of those. If we are being honest a camera tells you...
  18. D

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    everyone who wants to ban cameras because of outfitters doesn't realize this is just going to push more people to hire an outfitter. For example a guy that has put in for desert sheep, or any other limited tag all his life finally draws a tag in a unit a few hours from home and wants to try diy...
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